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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

OK, so we finally have the anticipated price drop on the TP10 with 4G LTE (AT&T or Verizon.) The range is $589.99 - $669.99 and the suggested model is the latter due to it having twice the RAM and storage space - i.e. only $80 more for the 4GB of RAM and 128GB of storage vs. 2GB/64GB. Shipping is reportedly within 5 - business days, though that might go up a little at checkout if you add certain options like the rugged case. As I have mentioned in the past, unless you live/work in an unusually harsh environment, I do not believe you really need the protective case. Getting the optional Accidental Drop Protection policy and using an inexpensive ($25? for a good one?) micro SD card for your data is a better (and lighter weight/less bulky) option for the vast majority of users IMHO. If you are really interested in getting a tablet like this (with or without 4G), I think this is a pretty good one and the price is right. The two most popular add-ons are the Ultrabook Keyboard and the Quickshot Cover. If a 4GB Baytrail unit like this is not powerful enough for you, the next step up is the Helix 2nd Generation, but like the TP10 before, it is not (yet) available with 4G LTE here in the US...

Here is the link to the page showing the 4 TP10 models which range from $469.99 to $669.99: http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/tablets/thinkpad/thinkpad-10/

Here is the link to the Lenovo page for the H2: http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/tablets/thinkpad/thinkpad-helix-2nd-gen/
At $979 - $1,399, I believe that the SP3 @ $899 is a better buy for most of you due to its superior screen aspect ratio and the ADP being only $99 through Microsoft. Currently, the H2 is not (yet) available with the better keyboard, so IF you like the general design and specs on the H2, you'd be better off waiting until January on this one, IMHO...

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

PS - My earlier TP10 went immediately, so it is no longer available. I just ordered another TP10 with 4G for one of the guys, so theirs is now available. Similar condition - essentially new, bone stock, 4GB of RAM, 128 GB of storage, pen, etc. In light of the current price drop, and a new one being available for $550, I think $350 is fair for this one, and I will include a copy of the new Apex version 6 with it. As before, just PM me if you are interested... First come, first served... ;-)

Noticed a short article with a few pictures on the HP ElitePad 1000 G2 at the link below.

Overall, fairly accurate (if brief) reporting, except where (in order to fit their “standard” formatting, summarizing Pro and Con bullets?) the author reaches to knock the fact that their review unit came with only 64 GB of storage, even though it is available with 128 GB, and the lack of a full size USB port on the tablet, despite that most other “Pads” don’t have them, either and one doesn’t typically need a USB port while using it in the field… I also noted that he sort of edges close to a “knock” on the 1.5 lb. weight, despite media praise for the original iPad as amazingly light at 1.5 lbs… Only lightly mentions the availability of 4G, extensive Accidental Drop Protection options… This is a “work” tablet, not a media consumption “pad”…

To be fair to the author, he does conclude with the following, which is accurate IMHO. "It doesn’t get much better than the ElitePad 1000 in a Windows 8.1 business tablet, and kudos to HP for improving what needed to be improved without drastically increasing the weight. It’s fast enough, lasts long enough, and has a capable set of accessories."

I believe this (short) article is worth a 2 minute look IF a rugged Tablet is what you want/need. If you are a casual user, this isn’t the best fit for you, but if you sometimes work in “less than pristine” environments, this is worth a look. You should know if this type device fits you – One doesn’t drive a Prius to deliver construction materials to a work site… ;-) Conversely, driving a 1 Ton Dually pickup just for errands in an urban environment isn’t the best fit, either. If you are more “in-between” these extremes, perhaps something like the Lenovo TP10 is a better fit… If you need more environmental protection, then the Fujitsu Q5xx may be a better fit.


Hope this helps! You folks know that we own and use these, as do several customer sites, so if you have specific questions, feel free to ask.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

[Edit] - For those interested, here is a link to the spec sheet in PDF format (includes front, rear and side views in line art form.) Upon reviewing, I had forgotten that this device supports up to 2 TB (wow!) in external storage. Thinking that would be enough for even the worst Pack Rat type, LOL http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press_kits/2014/MWC/HP_ElitePad_1000_G2_QuickSpecs.pdf

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Tough but relatively inexpensive Tablet

For those who want/need something like the EP1000 mentioned earlier, but think their conditions are a bit more harsh, of for those who are just a little paranoid about drops, etc., one of the devices I've been following for certain customers is the excellent little Mobile Demand xTablet Flex 10. Mobile Demand has been in the business of toughened devices for quite a while and they have a great track record. They also think outside the box from time to time and try different approaches to when I see in the Rugged PC space. "Back in the day", I remember them introducing a model by feigning a fumble and tumbling it down a staircase in a hotel lobby (quite effective - everyone gasped at the "surely unfortunate" unveiling...)

Anyway, one of their newer devices , the XTablet Flex 10, takes a slightly different approach to providing toughened tablets. he basically take a built-to-order (OEM) lightweight BGay Trail Tablet and clad it in a tough engineered "shell" - kind of like taking a regular consumer "pad" and putting in in an OtterBox, except that the base tablet is already tougher than your typical "pad" and because there is just one tablet to fit, the "shell" is much more customized - i.e. fits better, and thus can be more effective. One announcement headline which caught my eye earlier this year billed this Tablet with a Bay Trail Z3770 w/ 4GB RAM and 64 GB of storage as "Tough but costs less than an iPad." The starting price is $695 - waaay less than your typical Rugged (beyond Business Class) Tablet. They also have a host of cool accessories. I know that most readers here are not in the market for such a device (if you are, let me know and I'll forward you the info) but I thought you might still be interested in watching the video of their torture test for certification. Note the 1,001 cycles through the tumbler and the multiple drops of a half-pound steel ball onto the shielded screen surface. Don't try this at home, kids, with your "pads"... LOL

2 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM18iP7N1no

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Randall, I've pretty much decided on the Surface Pro 3. Do you have any thoughts on if Microsoft will provide free upgrades to Windows 10 for users of 8.1? Not sure if I should wait for 10 to come out before purchasing.


I am told (and believe) that W10 will be a free upgrade to Win 8.1 users :-)

On your SP3 purchase, I strongly recommend getting the Compete Care option (usually a $99 item) which covers the device against damage from accidental drops, etc. If you do not have access to a local MS Store, I would "fondle the device" wherever is convenient for you, but purchase on-line from Microsoft and add their Complete Care option. I, and other customers, have had excellent service from them and I rate other "third party" type policies below theirs. That said, ANY coverage is better than none, IMHO.

Oh, and unless you are working with rendering video stuff or absolutely need a 512 GB SSD, there is little advantage to going with a Core i7. Most get the Core i5 with 128GB or 256GB SSD.

Let me know if I can help.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Oh, BTW, the other TP10 is spoken for, packaged up and heading to the new owner. I forgot to mention that earlier (been swamped/distracted) and I will be replying to those who PM'ed me after I get done with some meetings today.

Thanks Randall. I'm thinking of the i5 256GB unit. I should have pulled the trigger over the holiday when they were $100 off. I may have to wait until the next sale, but Amazon has them without sales tax so maybe not.
Hi Bill,

The Core i5 models are definitely the "sweet spot" for 90+% of users. FWIW, I would monitor the link below and wait to see if MS doesn't offer a suitable configuration just before or just after Christmas. My guess is that you'd like to get something ASAP and doing the 2014 Tax write-off thing is on your mind. I have no inside knowledge that a suitable device deal will be offered, but if you can stand to wait, it would not surprise me to see something offered after their desired "Christmas urge rush" has subsided. This could happen anywhere between December 24th and December 31st. I still believe that purchasing through MS is the wisest choice as their excellent Complete Care is offered. FWIW, I've had excellent service after the sale though MS.

I order my fair share of stuff through Amazon - it is easy, convenient and reliable, but IF MS can offer a similar price, I believe that dealing directly with the manufacturer would lead to a better service experience should it be needed, and any savings (?) would pale in comparison if you had any issues with the device upon unboxing (unlikely, but still...) Just my 2¢ and YMMV, but I urge you to consider this option. Case in point: Although not directly related, I began to have issues with my beloved Lumia 1020 (AT&T) - the microSD charging/sync port developed a "wear" issue. AT&T could only offer me a new (inferior model) phone assuming I renewed my contract (I would anyway, since there is little to no chance that I would EVER switch to Verizon!) and they were ever so proud to allow me to make payments (bah!) Outright, the cost was $450 as they said the 2 year old device was out of warranty. At the MS Store (where I purchased it), my Complete Care policy took care of it and today, I'm rocking a new device, completely sync'ed and ready to go for my trip. And, perhaps you remember my post earlier this year about the young man who's friend dropped his new SP3 within 2 hours of picking it up on release day. MS replaced the device on the spot, no questions, no charge... 'Nuff said, IMHO...

MS Store 12 Days of Deals page: http://www.microsoftstore.com/store...01200?Icid=Homepage_Header_Tab3_12Days_120414

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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Good point Randall. I've heard from others that even SP3's purchased elsewhere are eligible for the MS care service. It seems if you bring your device into a MS store within a reasonable period of purchase they will sell you the policy. I haven't heard this directly from MS and will call to check. Still, I guess actually purchasing it from MS store would give me the best leverage should I need it.

I personally confirmed that one can purchase the device elsewhere and, as long as it is a device/model that MS carries, you can obtain the Complete Care service from them. In MY case, they took care of me on my phone instrument, but due to our overly-complex carrier stuff through AT&T (multiple accounts, people + international travel issues), I had to end up going through the corporate services @ AT&T to get it activated, Aarrgghh!

I think buying the device from one source and getting "warranty" type things (service) from another is just an extra (hassle) step, but if there are monetary savings sufficient to offset this, then sure - why not? Please note that I have no personal agenda to drive sales at an MS Store (or any other), and I am a heavy consumer from Amazon (great service in my own experiences) - I'd just point out that IF you're going to go to the Store ANYWAY to do the Complete Care transaction, you might as well just get the device there. Another potential benefit is you get to see a bunch of Windows devices laid out and presented properly ("fondle" factor), unlike the mess you see at (say) a Best Buy. I also like the prospect of developing a relationship with real people as another resource to draw upon as needed/desired.

Best wishes for a productive and pleasant experience!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

On another matter, upon return from my trip, I found two TP10 accessory boxes on my desk - another Keyboard Dock and Rugged Cover. I am supposed to receive a couple of new TP10s today, and it is sort of rain/nasty out here locally, so once one of the new devices is set up I intend to take it home and use the opportunity to shoot pix of the TP10 Rugged Cover subjected to rain, etc.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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