Not correct - at least for GSE lender mortgage work .
The retail fee is the same as the wholesale fee when a lender does not use an AMC.
When a lender uses an AMC, the AMC, as a middleman, takes a split of the browser-paid fee.
It is not the same thing as compared to appraisers who used to work at a fee appraiser shop ( I wrote used to work because that model was driven out by the AMC 'sand a fee shop on the res side rarely exists now - it is still survives in the commercial end)
I worked at two different res fee shops back in the day, and the owner never made appraisers under bid each other to get a job!( which is what AMC;s do ).
The appraisers with more experience got a higher fee split -often as high as 70% and usually had first pick at orders. They were valued, and the owners wanted to keep them. All the appraisers got the following benefits in exchange for working on a fee split" software or MLS paid, a shared secretary who made appointments/did admin, and a senior appraiser to review the work and be there to ask questions. The appraisers who were trainees got training. In addition, there was a camaraderie and a bit of fun, and other appraisers to bounce ideas and problems off.