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ZoneAlarm vs. Win98SE

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Dave Smith

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I am using ZoneAlarm 2.6.362 for my firewall. It has worked well as a firewall but... :(

Since installing it about a year ago Win98SE has had problems shutting down when I tell it to. I have determined that the shutdown problem is caused by ZoneAlarm.:idea:

If I close ZoneAlarm before saying good night to Win98SE then Win98SE quietly shuts itself down and turns itself off. Good night Chet - Good night David. :)

Is anyone else having this problem? Have you found any other solution :?:
I don't know about Zone Alarm, but Chet & David? You're telling your age.
Yup :!: Met Chet once, in a Holiday Inn in Cedar Falls, IA.
Never met Chet or David, but did have cocktails in New York with Walter Cronkite & BB King. No fooling!
I am using 2.6.357
Thanks for the info, I won't upgrade.
You might try applying the Microsoft shut down patch. You can get it at the Microsoft update site. I'm running Zone Alarm 2.6.362 and Win98SE and not having any problems.
'Course holding the 'on' button for five seconds will physically turn off the computer .. then you'll get the blue 'crab' screen on start-up most of the time, but that's just so typical WinDoze ..

I have the shutdown patch and have applied it several times. That doesn't stop ZoneAlarm from interferring with normal shutdown however.

Until I find the real solution I just shut ZoneAlarm down first and then tell the computer goodby.
How about uninstalling ZoneAlarma and then reinstalling it?
Been there, done that. Didn't make any difference.
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