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Trainee Finally Making Ends Meet Shooting Comp Photos!

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Sophomore Member
Oct 19, 2014
Professional Status
Real Estate Agent or Broker
I am an AT in Los Angeles and I found a decent shop to take me on part time. The problem is that I am only being paid $12/hr for 3 days a week, and one of those days was being spent taking comp photos! I couldn't make ends meet, so....

I noticed that comp photos take up a lot of time in this profession, so I reached out to other appraisers (who otherwise don't want to work with trainees) and offered to do their comp photos as well. I have given them a copy of my license, and I handle their photos on my website, remotely.

My question....
I know that fannie mae sent out that letter allowing trainees to do inspections, however.... are my new clients in a conflict of their SOW if they disclose and add my licensing info for doing the comp photos?

PS: I am a professional real estate photographer and give a short description with each photo for the certified appraiser.
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Whoever is sending you out on these assignments are putting their license at risk and you might be shooting your new career in the foot before it gets started. If you didn't recognize this you are not even minimally competent to do an appraisal by yourself.
Whoever is sending you out on these assignments are putting their license at risk and you might be shooting your new career in the foot before it gets started. If you didn't recognize this you are not even minimally competent to do an appraisal by yourself.
Thank you, however I did not claim to be competent enough to do an appraisal by myself. lol
Whoever is sending you out on these assignments are putting their license at risk and you might be shooting your new career in the foot before it gets started. If you didn't recognize this you are not even minimally competent to do an appraisal by yourself.

Also, can you tell me what rule is being broken?
I agree with Tom, but will add this question: Do these other appraisers disclose that they did not drive the comps and that the photos provided are from a 3rd party source and/or Trainee?
So everyone you are working for is unethical.
It is on those folks if they are misleading their clients about you taking the photos. They are either disclosing it, or not.. If they are disclosing fine, but if not, could be an issue if you get caught up in it.

Did you tell your mentor/supervisor you are doing this on the side, to see if the are okay with it?

You might want to consider another way to make extra $....I know being a trainee is difficult.
I agree with Tom, but will add this question: Do these other appraisers disclose that they did not drive the comps and that the photos provided are from a 3rd party source and/or Trainee?
Yes, and to the best of my knowledge these are all non-GSE's (hard money)
Also, can you tell me what rule is being broken?
look at the certification sections of the 1004 form (Fannie Mae 1004 March 2005)

Under the scope of work (which an appraiser's signature certifies) #3 states "inspect each of the comparable sales from at least the street"

Although you, personally as a trainee, may not be violating this ... the appraiser you are working with/for is if they did not also inspect as the Cert states
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