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1004mc Soon Not To Be Required By Fannie Mae

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Wow, I missed a good thread.

One of the posters that is claiming to be leaving couldn't get through a post without hurling insults at anyone and everyone and the moderators did nothing. So I doubt a little name change by someone is going to ruffle any feathers.
timd354 said: " I have also decided that I am done with with this place too. It has simply become impossible to have a rationa "

What a great day! First, the 1004MC and now Timd !
Maybe other members will come back and start posting again.

Yes, the Avatar of the big angry looking bird carrying the baseball bat has retired. Replaced by a serene looking sunset.
I am not sure I am done permanently, but I am taking a “leave of absence” from posting until the participants/moderators restore some degree of civility to the content. Lately it is far to similar to middle school recess.
Just ignore these posters https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/****poster

I agree the tone has changed, but I’ve seen this before. Business is slowing, rumors of another housing bust are picking up steam, forms and processes are starting to change, appraisers are demanding someone do something, angst and misplaced anger is building, sound familiar?

Along those lines, it’s being reported on Facebook that “the VREAB has formed a committee to establish guidance on the issue of Hybrid Appraisals. Discussions among the Board members revolved around public trust, the legality and definition of what constitutes assistance.” The group that pushed for this is being led by someone who doesn’t have a basic understanding of USPAP, and is once again being led down a path that isn’t going to end well. Another dentist board case in the making.
And from Housing Wire.......................

Trump administration calls for sweeping changes to financial ecosystem
“Regulatory sandboxes,” eMortgages, online notarization, automated appraisals, more
The Trump administration on Tuesday called for a series of changes to the country’s financial and mortgage ecosystems that, if enacted, would supercharge the financial industry’s technological revolution, upend the current regulatory environment, and potentially change the face of mortgage lending.

Career changes in process.
Government must be hiring.

Just ignore these posters https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/****poster

Along those lines, it’s being reported on Facebook that “the VREAB has formed a committee to establish guidance on the issue of Hybrid Appraisals. Discussions among the Board members revolved around public trust, the legality and definition of what constitutes assistance.” The group that pushed for this is being led by someone who doesn’t have a basic understanding of USPAP, and is once again being led down a path that isn’t going to end well. Another dentist board case in the making.

"Trump administration calls for sweeping changes to financial ecosystem
“Regulatory sandboxes,” eMortgages, online notarization, automated appraisals, more "

This should get real interesting.
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I will still be doing the 1004MC. It's usually the fastest, most compelling cornerstone of the appraisal in terms of trending value trends, median DOM and inventory levels for competitive properties. Does it work for every property? Of course not, but it's spectacular for urban and suburban areas for 'typical' residential properties. Once I stopped complaining about it and got some education, I got to a point where it became one of the first analyses I do prior to the sales, cost or income approach. Yes, I know - as always, I'm odd woman out.
The post is long on unsupported conclusions and accusations, short on anything specific. But I'm sure more than a few will take it as proof of a conspiracy.
Conspiracy? On whose part? Angry seller? The poster relaying the encounter with the Seller to his peers?

PS. The poster conveyed a REAL life scenario/dilemma. No mention of Any hypothetical USPAP mumbo jumbo double speak which by the way, no market (buyers/sellers) participants even care about.
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Conspiracy? On whose part? Angry seller. The poster relaying the encounter with the Seller to his peers?
The whole mess; "..looks like", "a taxpayer called me", "evidently ordered", "apparently the appraiser", "convinced that a fraud had been perpetrated", "going to sue everyone", etc. And the coupe de grace: "...but it does illustrate the potential dangers for appraisers performing these types of analysis." The poster is drawing a conclusion when he has ZERO evidence that the VA ordered a so called hybrid. But I'll bet the same poster would have no problem ranting if that "taxpayer" filed a complaint against him if he didn't make the contract price.
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