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ACI Is Not Running Again

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Other title companies may need to step up and help FAF just as other appraisal software companies have offered help to Appraisers.
Your imagination runneth wild.
I am going to eat some more meat. My brain needs protein.

I know it is antitrust law violation.

I also know appraisers have no clout.
I am in MN. As of Dec. 25th, 2023 5:20 PM my ACI Software NON FUNCTIONAL. No maps, No XML, Cannot complete a report.
According to the First American Finanical Web Site, which owns and runs ACI Software there is no mention that they have put their systems back online.
Almost ALL clients have already pulled files away from Appraisers who use ACI Software, and refuse to send any new orders period.
I don't see how anyone can say that they are back up and running normal, that just isn't true. I cannot believe it is functional in some area's of the Country?
It for sure IS Not in MN!
Maps and mismo now working in ACI. Let's hope it stays that way.
I'm in Delaware. I was racing to finish my last report, and planned to install Clickforms this evening. Wonders Never Cease! ACI came up about 45 minutes ago. I have it all, FEMA maps, location maps, and no issue uploading the only report I have pending to the V.A. Portal. Now.....if I only had some work!
Thank Goodness! I hope it stays working!!!
Do you think we'll get a discount or a rebate for the last week we were unable to complete reports! LOL
ACI is working BUT ENV file fails every try!!!!!!! All else including web update work, MISMO works. BUT NO ENV files!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you want tech support you have to wait till med January according to website. My chances of renewing are near zero now. Clickfroms looks as good or better. With free trial did a 1025 yesterday. I'll cannibalize that for new 1025 template. Just wasted a ton of time with 1004 in ACI!!!!!!!!!!!! No excurse for their broken **** and total lack of support - not even a banner on their website trying to apologize or even explain. A GD warning about ENV not working would have saved me a few more hours today. Now have to copy all into another new Clickforms - which had no issues with anything including ENVs. By week end I'll have 1025, 1004 and 2055 templates in Clickforms. They deserve my business. ACI doesn't. At 63 after 25 years I really didn't need this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACI nothing like they were. I'd bet in 12 months time they will have lost 80+% of clients over how they've handled this.
Try re-registering your license. Run review master to check if there are any errors. Check the Environment and the Report to see where files are being stored. Run the Net and Lck cleanup. You can also delete the program and reinstall it. Read the online manual under Help

Other things you can do is run disk cleanup, run sfc scannow as administrator, run chkdsk.
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