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ACI Is Not Running Again

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What is your interest in this particular matter? Do you use the software? Are you concerned about whether you are in violation of USPAP?
You know dang well they are breaking anti-trust law. Every single one of them. Happens everyday in business.
Remember the Fed's breaking the phone company up on anti trust law violations?

Your probably too young.
AMCs are king of breaking anti trust law.

Customary and reasonable my azz.
I have talked to a few local appraisers and they like alamode sharing their data because it says it speeds them up.

But do I think it should be free to alamode?

Hell No.

That is stealing data. Point blank.

All software and gse are doing it free of charge. Pick your poison.

In a union type atmosphere it couldn't happen.

But many appraisers would have to be classified as employees and file complaint with IRS with a really good lawyer and CPA.
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First American update

restored website and others coming back on-line
First American update

restored website and others coming back on-line
Good news. Hopefully they will send an email with an ETA for ACI.
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Is anyone aware of a time frame or updates about ACI?
I bought a Total license last week and have spent time learning how to use it. Be sure when you start a new report that it is UAD compliant. Start a new report using the order form too. Also, watch the tutorial. I have not needed any support since I started using the software. It is going to take extra time to produce a report using it the first few times but by the second or third report you should be able to be proficient. At least that is my own experience over the past five days. I bought a subscription to the InterFlood maps too. And I am using my Apex 7 sketch program with it.
if you screw up and pick 1004 and needed to pick 1004UAD, choose 1004 UAD and put it in your report like you add photo pages and it auto convert all typed data from 1004 to the correct 1004UAD. Total is the best.
if you screw up and pick 1004 and needed to pick 1004UAD, choose 1004 UAD and put it in your report like you add photo pages and it auto convert all typed data from 1004 to the correct 1004UAD. Total is the best.
I did screw up the first time. LOL The learning curve is a PIA. ;)
You know dang well they are breaking anti-trust law. Every single one of them. Happens everyday in business.
Actually, since I'm not a lawyer with any knowledge of anti trust laws, I don't know if they breaking the law or not.
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