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ACI Sky, Amrock And The 1004p

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I understand the 1004P was a pilot program that did not fare well. According to the person I spoke with,they were using notaries to complete the inspections and data collection and the "data collection" was significantly less than they expected.
Based on today's climate, I would suspect it will be tweaked and brought back, but I doubt it will be exclusive to one vendor, etc.

I attended Amrock's webinar for data collection....
It was obvious that whomever came up with the data collection portion of the assignment had no real world experience regarding onsite inspection....
Nor did it appear that Amrock understood that anyone doing this wasn't going to spend additional money for equipment (at least i wasn't going to purchase a tablet or IPad).....
What Amrock wanted data collectors to do was take a tablet onsite, log into Amrock cloud program via mobile data OR ASK THE HOMEOWNER to allow them to log into the homeowner's WiFi.....
Tape the house (create sketch or if assessor's sketch was the same as taped measurements then assessor's sketch could be attached), fill in the form and take and include photos and submit while at the house or at a WiFi location, fast food type location....
Would not/could not just complete inspection like a normal appraisal assignment (pen to paper, photos via camera, etc.) and complete form and submit once at home...
It was obvious that there were flaws....
Hmmm. It's 3/16/2019 and FNMA STILL has not put the form 1004p out where anyone outside their tame sychophants can comment on it. Their March 2019 Appraiser Update notice refers to it, but does nothing aside from lying about what the issues are by way of explanation. Note their view on AO31. Writing down measurements given a clerk by an appraiser is certainly ok. That's not the same as that same clerk going out and measuring a property themselves.
Hmmm. It's 3/16/2019 and FNMA STILL has not put the form 1004p out where anyone outside their tame sychophants can comment on it. Their March 2019 Appraiser Update notice refers to it, but does nothing aside from lying about what the issues are by way of explanation. Note their view on AO31. Writing down measurements given a clerk by an appraiser is certainly ok. That's not the same as that same clerk going out and measuring a property themselves.

It's 3/16/2019 and FNMA STILL has not put the form 1004p out
shhhhhhhhhhhhh don't remind Fannie:cool:
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