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Appraisal Fees in the Panhandle

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I don't work in FL.
I was thinking Texas or Oklahoma until I saw it in the state forum.

as for fees - charge what you like. As Sherlock Holmes might say, "My professional charges are upon a fixed scale. I do not vary them, except when I remit them altogether". I've never asked anyone what they charge. I simply charge what I feel is appropriate. If they don't want to pay, then I just let it go. So check some of the google Florida lenders and what they tell their clients about fees. I bet you will find everything from $350-900.
Glen and I are still here to annoy you...never fear.
I'm used to youse guys now....
But you and Glenn are great examples of the 2 bulls & cows story that you've shared....
You're the old bull who takes it slow....
Glenn, not so much.... :LOL:
Condo on beach would probably be relatively easy to do. Single family house on the beach would be way more difficult.
You're the old bull who takes it slow....
As a sign I read once in the bathroom of 7 Falls in Colorado Springs, "Bulls with short horns, stand closer"... I never forgot my dad laughing when he read that.
I just finished a 7,500 sf GLA house on 32 acres. Yeah. Don't cry to me. I got $1,000. Wasn't enough. VA though. I was happy vet and lender agreed to fee increase. Twice in many years I have asked for fee increase and it got approved. Still wasn't enough on fee.
For an AMC, I would have asked $2,000. They would have sold it for $250. LOL
I won't make the mistake of doing it again.
Come on girl. Get tough skin.

You can do it. I have no doubt. Reach out to where you are living. That's a big move. Hang on and reach out to locals.
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