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Appraisal Fees in the Panhandle

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Don't tell me your pregnant. Hormones will mess with you. Just wait at least a year to get pregnant. LOL
Depending on where you are, real estate agents could be a really good source. Closing lawyers, banks, etc.etc.
You are going to make it in the Florida panhandle. I know certain things. Can me and wife come visit?

Get with the condo developers. and mangement companies with condos. You have to get in the mix girl.

If you don't already know, Florida is huge tourist destination.
The panhandle is huge tourist destination.
You could handle most of the condos down there. If you get a development call me. We can work out something. I will give you the bid. I will hook up with someone down there and we will get her done.

I will need temp license and travel expenses and room and board. I can do it. Client will pay the expenses.
I like you girl. I like the name. Your momma or daddy did good on naming you. I like it.
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