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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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Eli Weiss

Senior Member
Nov 28, 2005
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Certified Residential Appraiser
New York
New York - Here is one incredible exchange between the host of a network news commentary program and a member of Congress. Be sure to strap on your helmet and elbow pads before watching this one.

Bill O'Reilly, of FOX's O'Reilly Factor, has called for Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts to step down from his position as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee because of a now-clear failure of oversight of the nation's banking industry.

This doesn't make for the smoothest stage for an interview, like the one O'Reilly conducted of Frank on his show last night.

"Shouldn't everybody in the country be angry with you right now?'' O'Reilly asked Frank, setting the tone for that rough stage.

No, said Frank. "I became chairman of the committee on Jan. 1, 2007,'' he said, taking credit for a "tough'' regulatory bill for the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage enterprise that passed the House in May. From 1995 to 2006, with a Republican-controlled Congress, he said, "we couldn't get that done.''

"That's great,'' O'Reilly said, but then he came out and said "everything was great'' and everyone went out and bought stock and then lost millions of dollars. O'Reilly played a tape of Frank saying not long ago that Fannie and Freddie were basically sound.

No way, said Frank, denying that he had suggested anyone invest money in these sinking enterprises.

"Come on, you coward, say the truth,'' O'Reilly said, accusing Frank of "B.S." and more.

"You start ranting, and the only way to respond is to almost talk as boorish as you,'' Frank said, denying that he had suggested anyone buy stock. ''I'm not going to be bullied by your ranting... You're not going to shut me up.''

The argument devolved into name-calling and insults.

"That's a joke,'' O'Reilly said of Frank's answers.

"A joke is to think I could have a rational discussion with you,'' Frank said. "You don't listen at all.''

"You're the brilliant guy who presided over the biggest financial collapse,'' O'Reilly said. "You're the brilliant guy. I'm the dumb guy.''

Watch the video here.

Maybe he lost money and is Pizzz Off.

Barney knows what is happening. He knows how it has been manipulated and the current rules and regulations were not enforced. Heck they all knew it, both parties.
O'Reilly just stated what many people were thinking. Public servants have been "self-servants" since day one; it's just that some politicians serve themselves while doing their job and serving the public and other politicians just serve themselves, period.

It would be interesting to see how much money our Federal elected representatives have sitting in offshore accounts.

It should be remembered that our elected officials are elected from the general public, so, what does that say about the public in general?
My sheep dogs had their teeth pulled by the BODs and advisory council members of TAF and ASC.
so, what does that say about the public in general?

That we're a nation of dumb sheep?​
Ewe hit it on the head pretty much...:rof:

We are in the terrible dilemma of needing the people who created the mess with bad policy to bail out the people who got us in this fix and all they want to do is "save" the people in over their heads who are in two classes, either victims of mortgage fraud or speculators with quick money on their mind.

20 million houses are foreclosing. $700,000,000,000 ÷ 20,000,000 = $35,000 for each household....

The only solution I can see to keep the economy from a real depression is to have every home reappraised free of pressure (is that possible?) and then reset the mortgages to that amount. Force the liquidation of complex CDOs and allow only one sort of security be created in the future.

No plan will or can 'fix' everything that will need fixed.​
For the life of me I don't understand why people go on that show....
We all partied. We all benefited from the boom. We all consumed more than we should have. We elected the politicians in that catered to our constant pleas for more, more more.

We deserve the government we elect, both the failures and the successes. If we want to go in a different direction then we need to vote for a completely different kind of government, from top to bottom.

Throw them all out. Enact campaign finance reform. Send the scofflaws of those laws to jail.
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