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Bill O'Reilly To Congressman Barney Frank "You're A Coward" Over Financial Crisis

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I saw that interview as it happened. Barney Frank really believes he has no cuplability in this mess. I guess self delusion is a trait required for career politicians.
Time we find someone to go to congress & tell our side. Maybe we could get one idividual to run in one of the small states close to D.C.
Time we find someone to go to congress & tell our side. Maybe we could get one individual to run in one of the small states close to D.C.
Funny, I never did see Senator Dole during the Mass Media Bailout Blitz, and when they did show her, they cut off in the the most truth telling moments. I have come to conclude that the media is just as corrupt. I would start looking into those that did not vote for the bailout for assistant. I know here in Texas, many Senators voted no for the bailout.
that the media is just as corrupt
Well....Fannie's CEO is Daniel Mudd whose father is Roger Mudd, the "well respected" journalist. A little incesteous eh?
I saw that interview as it happened. Barney Frank really believes he has no cuplability in this mess. I guess self delusion is a trait required for career politicians.

Barney knows darn good and well...His 'boy toy' Herb Moses was an executive at Fannie in charge of setting up the affordable housing programs. He's just a good liar.
Timd354 quote-"One thing is for sure, the next few decades should be interesting. 5 or 10 years ago, I never would have seriously started making plans to deal with the very real possibility of the collapse of our society. We may yet avoid this outcome, but it is a very real possibility. It is prudent to make plans now for dealing with the societal chaos that may well occur. I do not worry about myself too much, but I am very fearful as to what the future holds for my young son"

Interesting comments---How are you preparing? I also think that it is worth to think about how to prepare.
Sandy, I have just started to prepare and here are the things that need to be considered in making preparations:

1. Security. If there is a complete economic collapse, people are not going to remain peaceful likely they largely did in the 1930's. Society could well become lawless. Thus, you need to be well armed and you need to do everything you can to make your property defensible from possible gangs of roving criminals and looters. You should make plans with your extended family to have multiple places to hole up in an emergency situation. Having a bunker on your property stocked with a couple months of supplies and a source of water is not a bad idea. Forming a neighborhood militia of like minded people also may be a good idea.

2. Finances. If the economy disintegrates and the dollar becomes essentially worthless, you need to have some resources to use to make required purchases. I would suggest buying precious metals including gold, silver, and/or platinum.

3. Food & Water. If the economy breaks down, food production and distribution may be seriously affected leading to food shortages. You should consider stocking a 6 month to 1 year supply of non perishable food for your family. Don't forget stocking lots of bottled water in case the water system in your area stops functioning. Additionally, you may want to invest in a water filter....here is an outstanding one: http://www.campingsurvival.com/kattrkdripfi.html

If you live in an area where the only dependable natural source of water is salt water, invest in a hand pumped, reverse osmosis water desalinator.

4. Fuel, Electricty and Heat. The collapse of the economy could lead to severe shortages or gasoline and other fuels and, in extreme cases, the collapse or disruption of the electical grid in a particular area. Thus, it would be wise to have the ability to generate your own electricity and have the ability to store a large amount of fuel (an underground gasoline storage tank which can be accessed with a hand pump in addtion to an electrical pump is not a bad idea). Additionally, having an alternative heat source, such a wood or coal stove along with a stockpile of wood and/or coal is a good idea.

I am not sure that I can afford to implement my complete plan, but these are the main things that I am thinking of.

5. Escape Plan. In case your location becomes untenable, you need to have an escape plan to relocate to another area. Also, you should have a pre-planned location that all family members are to make their way to in the case of certain events.

6. Communications. You need a plan on how you will communicate with other family members, etc. in case modern communications systems (telephone, cell phones, etc.) stop functioning. Powerful two way, battery operated radios may be a good investment.

Last, but not least, you need to make mental preparations to prepare yourself to survive in case the worst case occurs....there will be many very tough decisions and actions that will need to be taken. You will need to mentally prepare yourself ahead of time to make sure that you are emotionally capable of doing what needs to be done in order to protect yourself, your family, and your community.
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Thanks Tim:
I was thinking of some social unrest not societal collapse. However your list of preparations would still apply. I am actually in favor of some social unrest because I think it might be the only way real change is possible. I see the beginnings of it in my conversations with people I talk to. In more normal times these regular folks ***** and moan about things but I detect a tone in their voices that it won't take much more for these folks to begin to act on their frustrations. These are normally law abiding God fearing people that are now angry enough to take some actions because they are feeling ripped off and betrayed by everyone from corporations to the government. It's one thing to lose your home and have to rent but it's another to lose your job and have little hope to get another one and lose your home with little prospect to be able to rent another one.

I am not ready to do all of those preparations but am beginning to stockpile some cash, take a concealed weapons permit course, buy some precious metals and limit my exposure to certain situations and parts of town as well as keep the pantry full.
For the life of me I don't understand why people go on that show....

Some liars never get called for their lies and become totally discombobulated when they they are pressed to give an honest answer.
Unfortunately Frank is one one of those liars who thought he could get by with the usual claptrap and bloviating but was taken to school by someone who had done his homework and simply wasn't going to accept Frank's nonsense. Pathological lying and revision of history seem to be part and parcel of most left wing rhetoric.
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