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Cindy Chance

That's not the issue.

The issue is that the AMCs were created in the first place, that the AMC clients are the more generous paying clients and the appraiser clients are fat pig selfish AMCs. That is a structural deficiency.

The original AMCs started out as fee shops, later joined by bank appraisal depts that had been spun off by their holding companies so that they COULD legally turn a profit.
Do you have a college degree? If so, what is it in?
How about we just assume I'm a semi-literate 8th grade dropout for the purposes of this discussion? The dumbest guy in the room. Would that make you feel better about our exchanges?

Maybe we can work this in with that "You can't dispute the reasoning but you take offense at how my tone makes you feel" theme that you've been working on.
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How about we just assume I'm a semi-literate 8th grade dropout for the purposes of this discussion? The dumbest guy in the room. Would that make you feel better about our exchanges?
Maybe no 4 year college degree for George. There was a window to get a CG way back in the day without the degree. :)
There sure was a window back then. I knew several CGs who got in that way and whose work was perfectly acceptable. Same among the CR and SL licensees. My supervisor at the bank had a 2yr degree.
There sure was a window back then. I knew several CGs who got in that way and whose work was perfectly acceptable. Same among the CR and SL licensees. My supervisor at the bank had a 2yr degree.
Also, back then, wasn't a 4yr degree required for the SRA and MAI designations?
I think so but I'm not 100% sure. I know there were a few MAIs and SREAs who got in without college but I don't remember that being doable in the 1980s.
How about we just assume I'm a semi-literate 8th grade dropout for the purposes of this discussion? The dumbest guy in the room. Would that make you feel better about our exchanges?

Maybe we can work this in with that "You can't dispute the reasoning but you take offense at how my tone makes you feel" theme that you've been working on.
I'll take that as a No. Thanks. I went to a state university, not "Sarah Lawrence". But that must be why you don't care if the AQB dumbs our profession down. That has nothing to do with feminism. ALL working appraisers are against the moves being made by the elitist leaders. I just read one of your Working RE articles from 2019 about Desktops, Property Data Collection, etc. It's obvious you don't like Baggot or his excellent books and its obvious why. I just thought maybe you were a failed journalism major or something.
LOL on your interpretation. You know I didn't drop out of the 8th grade. I'm just trying to make the argument about the argument and not about who is making it.

The reason I don't like Baggott's fixation is because I don't think it's in the interests of any state's appraisers to add more impediments to their state's processes. To whatever extent it increases the state's costs those costs will get passed down directly to the licensees in the form of higher licensing fees. And to what end? Because one way or another the appraisers will be regulated by statute and the requirements will be established by the appraisal profession prior to the legislature ratifying and incorporating it into the state law. The work will be performed by people (who by definition are prone to human frailties) there will be a cost for that work and somebody is going to have to pay it. So the very most that the critics could change is who those people are, who they work for, and what entities is cutting their paycheck.

What fee appraisers aren't going to get from any "burn it all down now" outcome is any relief from what the lenders are doing with AMCs because none of the appraisal-related parties have any influence or control over what the lenders do or how they conduct business. No matter what (Not-The-Appraisal-Foundation) does the lenders are still going to migrate to hybrids and waivers and desktops and reserve the conventional 1004 trade for the most difficult assignments.

Meanwhile the supporters of the concepts and principles (like me) will continue to support the concepts, and the critics of regulation (like Terrel and Mejappz and djd09) will continue to hate being told what to do by anyone and under any circumstances. And it will all ultimately work out the same in the end except for the cost and hassle of any transition. IRL you can't have 55 different appraisal standards being used in interstate transactions; it's has to be standardized across the nation, one way or another.

That's why I'm not impressed with the conspiracy theorizing. Congress isn't going to ditch licensing, the ASC isn't going to be retired and they will continue to ride herd over the state licensing programs - including mandatory compliance with FIRREA and related federal regulation under penalty of decertifying that state's licensees - and the fundamentals of appraisal standards will continue on ever if under a different title and promulgated by the different group of appraisers.

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I'll take that as a No. Thanks. I went to a state university, not "Sarah Lawrence". But that must be why you don't care if the AQB dumbs our profession down. That has nothing to do with feminism. ALL working appraisers are against the moves being made by the elitist leaders. I just read one of your Working RE articles from 2019 about Desktops, Property Data Collection, etc. It's obvious you don't like Baggot or his excellent books and its obvious why. I just thought maybe you were a failed journalism major or something.
Did you actually read this article George wrote? Should be obvious precisely who's side he is on…
Did you read this article George wrote? Should let you know precisely who side he is on…
Yes, it explained the pom poms.
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