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Cindy Chance

That was unwatchable from the public domain 70s **** music on. When she started talking, I had immediately had to close the video. I do think Phil and Hamp deserve Emmys now.
It's like a Mel Brooks movie, a resounding "yes" to continuing the podcast. I bet the "harrumphs" were loud and clear.
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Partner, lol

Appraisal institute withdraws as sponsor of the Appraisal Foundation​

Fox Rothschild LLP

Fox Rothschild LLP logo
David B. Snyder
USA September 16 2010
In a move that sent tremors throughout the appraisal community, the Appraisal Institute withdrew its sponsorship of The Appraisal Foundation on September 7.

The Appraisal Institute is the most prestigious real estate organization and has more than 25,000 members and 91 chapters throughout the world. I am an affiliate member of AI (the designation for non-appraiser real estate professionals). The Appraisal Foundation was founded in 1987 by eight major appraisal organizations to help regulate the appraisal profession within the US. It is perhaps best known for its promulgation of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (“USPAP”) which contains the generally accepted standards for professional appraisal practice in North America.

AI and the Appraisal Foundation have been fighting throughout this year regarding AI actions relating to proposed legislation. The Appraisal Foundation claimed that AI improperly sought to influence other Appraisal Foundation members to support legislation that may have been contrary to the Foundation’s interests. The Foundation ultimately sanctioned AI for its alleged actions.

The AI Board of Directors’ letter to the Foundation stated: “The Appraisal Institute must be able to discuss freely issues of concern to, and advance the interests of, its members, the profession and the public, which The Appraisal Foundation has made clear, is inconsistent with Foundation sponsorship. Moreover, the Foundation has decided to punish the Appraisal Institute for actions that it did not commit. That decision is grossly unfair, unacceptable, and attacks the very integrity of the Appraisal Institute.”

AI’s statement regarding its withdrawal can be found at appraisalinstitute.org/newsadvocacy/news/2010/090710_AI_WithdrawalFromTAF.aspx

It is truly sad that these two important organizations cannot work together. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail and will close this rift.
Fox Rothschild LLP - David B. Snyder

:rof: :rof: :rof:

Appraisal institute withdraws as sponsor of the Appraisal Foundation​

Fox Rothschild LLP

Fox Rothschild LLP logo
David B. Snyder
USA September 16 2010
In a move that sent tremors throughout the appraisal community, the Appraisal Institute withdrew its sponsorship of The Appraisal Foundation on September 7.

The Appraisal Institute is the most prestigious real estate organization and has more than 25,000 members and 91 chapters throughout the world. I am an affiliate member of AI (the designation for non-appraiser real estate professionals). The Appraisal Foundation was founded in 1987 by eight major appraisal organizations to help regulate the appraisal profession within the US. It is perhaps best known for its promulgation of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (“USPAP”) which contains the generally accepted standards for professional appraisal practice in North America.

AI and the Appraisal Foundation have been fighting throughout this year regarding AI actions relating to proposed legislation. The Appraisal Foundation claimed that AI improperly sought to influence other Appraisal Foundation members to support legislation that may have been contrary to the Foundation’s interests. The Foundation ultimately sanctioned AI for its alleged actions.

The AI Board of Directors’ letter to the Foundation stated: “The Appraisal Institute must be able to discuss freely issues of concern to, and advance the interests of, its members, the profession and the public, which The Appraisal Foundation has made clear, is inconsistent with Foundation sponsorship. Moreover, the Foundation has decided to punish the Appraisal Institute for actions that it did not commit. That decision is grossly unfair, unacceptable, and attacks the very integrity of the Appraisal Institute.”

AI’s statement regarding its withdrawal can be found at appraisalinstitute.org/newsadvocacy/news/2010/090710_AI_WithdrawalFromTAF.aspx

It is truly sad that these two important organizations cannot work together. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail and will close this rift.
Fox Rothschild LLP - David B. Snyder

:rof: :rof: :rof:

shill aint quoting that one... :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Think about how many names we all would recognize that get passed around every few years. Work at an AMC, then get passed around to a regulatory agency or some other three letter organization, then maybe go work at the GSE‘s for a couple years, then back to an AMC and so forth and so on. hell, some even had stints as directors on appraisal boards. I knew this was an issue 15 years ago when I started finally paying attention to what was going on in this profession.

Most of them are just referred to on this board as snake oil salesman.
HAHA yes!! I was thinking this same thing and here you said it. I don't really follow things that closely all the time, but even I notice that.
They wore gloves.
Okay, so what changes to appraisal standards or appraiser qualifications at TAF do you think have been biased in favor of AMCs and against fee appraisers? The others you me-too for apparently have no answer for that. Do you?
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Okay, so what changes to appraisal standards or appraiser qualifications at TAF do you think have been biased in favor of AMCs and against fee appraisers? The others you me-too for apparently have no answer for that. Do you?
Just wait. If it's not obvious to you by now, with PAREA, PDCs, Waivers, Desktops, REVAA, and so on, there is really no way to explain so can understand. I mean, seriously? It's time for you to accept that you have not been on the inside for years, you are not currently teaching USPAP and that I never was an insider, but I'm good at research. You won't be getting name, rank and serial numbers from me. You have eyes and ears, use them.
Not really responsive to the question I asked. PAREA is the only element that TAF has control over, and the impetus for that arguably started at the AI . As I understand it the AQB started working on "alternate forms of experience" almost 20 years ago. "Practicum" alternatives were included in the 2008 criteria, long before any such courses were developed. As of 2015 we didn't have a shortage of appraisers of any type that inhibited the AMCs ability to find cheap appraisal fees. PAREA was eventually incorporated into the AQB Qualifications criteria in 2021. The topic was addressed at length over a period of several years before the AQB committed to it.

But you were already aware of all that before you mentioned it, right? Of course you were.

The others you are complaining about are part of the decision making at the lenders and GSEs, not at TAF. Speaking of the lenders, they're the reason trainees working off of "did not inspect" Supervisors fell out of usage back when the market went bust in 2007; The GSEs and TAF had nothing to do with that turn of events. Same goes for "chad", since he's adding his me-too to your non-answer.

Soooo, back to the question and hand, and lets see if you can come up with something other than "it's not my job to teach you, you should just know". Feminist college students can get away with that when they get caught running their mouths off things they don't actually have a personal opinion on, and you ain't no 20-yr old junior at Sarah Lawrence.

What AMC-biased changes do you attribute to TAFs actions with Appraisal Standards and Appraiser Qualifications?
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