And so it begins..
The same sales agent responsible for 2 comps in my report, says that yes there were concessions, but she can't recall what or how much and is not going to be bothered to get the information from her files. I thanked her and mentioned that I'd be adding this to the report along with her name and phone #, lender'll probably kill the deal, don't know how the agents involved in the sale will feel about that, but have a nice day. Silence at the other end.
Heres the wording that I put in the 1004MC
Based on review of purchase and sales agreements, seller concessions and closing cost contributions are becoming more common in this market area and especially in entry level properties such as the subject as competition increases with bank owned properties. NH's MLS system, NNEREN (603 228 9733) has removed sales concessions information from their database, as a result sales agents have been called to acquire this information. The same agent was involved in the sale of comps 1and 3, N***** D******** 603 *** ****, and noted that sales concessions were involved but would not disclose the amount. As a result this report is lacking required information and may be unreliable, see addendum.
Lets see how the lender feels about this.
Word is that NNERENs phones are ringing off the hook from teed off appraisers. If I wasn't so busy I'd just start calling every agent listed on any sale to bug them for concessions data, get them to start calling and complaining as well