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Construction crews not showing up

So glad I did the major repairs on roofs, water heater, asphalt repaving in past several years.
I anticipate costs will go up a lot with lack of cheap labor.
I hire contractors. Who they hire I have no control.
Suddenly those human manual laborers are being financially appreciated. Mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, electricians... many probably make about as much as surgeons and lawyers. Anybody who can be partially or totally replaced by AI and the Robots is losing ground. Personally, I'm absolutely delighted when I a have a human alternative to reading all the FAQs when confronted with a software snafu or anything where 'you must comply; you will be assimilated'. When they say we 'must get with the program', they mean be one with the computer program. Bifurcated anyone?
Side note: If AI were to build or be used to replace the Human monsters that we are, how would you prove that a specific Bot did the repair/build? (appraisal)
And you're not going to have a # on the Bot....that could be continually changed, its' simple math
Did those AI company answering phones make it faster or easier to get an answer. Made it cheaper for the company to use that system. Please hit #1,2,3,4,5 if you want an avm. Hit number #9 if you need an appraiser. After you hit #9 is says, if you really wanted an avm hit #1.

Unless you know how to go directly to a phone representative with the secrete button push, it can be tortuous.
And although those foreign voices are always polite and helpful, i have to pay attention to overcome the accents. Bad connection and it becomes torturous also.
So glad I did the major repairs on roofs, water heater, asphalt repaving in past several years.
I anticipate costs will go up a lot with lack of cheap labor.
I hire contractors. Who they hire I have no control.

You've posted multiple times you like to hire illegals to work on your rentals
The only way to stop illegals is to fine the businesses who use them to avoid paying a fair wage to americans.
The only way to stop illegals is to fine the businesses who use them to avoid paying a fair wage to americans.
I don't think the optimum answer is an either-or choice. I think it's both.

When we allow contractors to cheat it creates a moral hazard because their competitors are forced to either cheat to keep up or to lose that business.
Did those AI company answering phones make it faster or easier to get an answer.
Not necessarily but it makes it easier to understand. I'd rather talk to a robot in the US than "Ralph" in India where you can understand every other word, if you're lucky.
make about as much as surgeons and lawyers.
Most lawyers do not make all that much money. Only specialist and trial lawyers make big bucks routinely. And you'd be surprised how little doctors actually make compared to their incomes many years ago. When you have an unaccredited accountant for Walmart making $150,000 with a yearend bonus of $190,000, the $200-300k salary of a doctor doesn't look that great. The average salary of a lawyer is well under $150,000 annually. Meanwhile the average appraiser? About $100,000 is supposedly the median but I suspect that means only one that is fully employed. A lot of residential appraisers are not 100% busy, are they?

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