Tell you what. Why don't you write the Appraisal Institute, point out all the "errors" in their book "The Appraisal of Real Estate" along with your correct solutions. Get them to back you up on changing the definition of appraisal, changing the manner in which we make adjustments to data, and while you're at it, maybe you can find a way to grandfather all the veteran real estate brokers, whose opinions you apparently favor over professional appraisers, into the industry as special consultants. That way, every time there's a question on value, we can just skip using an appraiser and go straight to that most trusted of opinions, that of a veteran real estate broker. Maybe you can convince the feds that the last S&L debacle was not led by guys using techno-jargon and spreadsheets to mask deficient judgment and outright lies. Tell them that your uber-AVM is the only way to go and that FIRREA should be revised accordingly. At that point, our industry and the real estate market in general will truly be ruled by logic alone. Our value opinions will morph into absolutes and there will never be a reason for anyone to seek a second opinion.
But until all that happens, I'll be happy to stay with the current combination of technique and judgment.
George Hatch