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Desperation breeds scare tactics

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Since I am not a member of NAIFA I do not feel a need to explain anything, or come to their defense. However, I did suggest that you read the post NAIFA e-mail, or, better yet, contact Mr. Black at the e-mail link he provided on that post, or, go to the NAIFA web site as I suggested, or, contact the president of NAIFA. If you really want answers, I suggest you do one or more of those things. My meaning of Small minds" are those minds that always see something bad when someone else is trying to do something positive. If the show fits, wear it, if not, no need to be offended.


I recently joined the NAIFA and, I'm a former member of the AGA. I have a couple friends on the NAIFA's BOD and a very very good friend (Alan Sims), who is one of the founding members of the AGA. I've been contemplating renewing my AGA membership, however; it's attitudes and comments such as yours that makes me weary of renewing said membership. While I appreciate your passion and commitment, I resent your typical "we have all the answers, everyone else are idiots" AGA attitude. IMNSHO, this is why many have no use for the AGA.

Comparison of benefits:

AGA membership: 3 AGA stickers and 3 mailings. Overpriced E&O and health insurance.

NAIFA membership: 2 days of free CE. And, I'm talking quality NAIFA CE, not CE from Fast Eddie's School of R.E. Appraisal and Auto Body Repair. Free website, discount on M&S, discount on Airborne Express, just to name a few.


How many members does the AGA have? Why is this a big secret?

As a member, can you vote for AGA officers? No, because it's a one man dictatorship.

Tell me exactly what legislation/bills the AGA has helped PASS.

Why won't the AGA work with other organizations on a common goal, UNLESS, the organization and its membership become, in a sense, AGA members?

And, why is it that the AGA and its members continuously attempt to belittle other organizations (NAIFA, ASA, AI, NAR)?

What say you?
Dear Don,

I understand your point and have witnessed that reaction myself when as president of my local Board of Realtors tried to get action out of our members. People often find it easier to sit on their hands and be a 'naysayer' rather than act.

I did, as I stated in my post, look at the website. After reading your post, I went back again. I don't mean my comments or questions to offend any current members of NAIFA. I did not find any answers to my questions on that site, however I must admit I did not spend significant time searching every corner either. Spent about 15 minutes.

Myself, I would prefer an alliance of all the current organizations as things currently stand. If one organization would step up to the plate and mirror something like NAR, they'd have my full attention. I am posting this after just leaving their site and emailing my Senators regarding the Big Grab - bankers in real estate issue. I am in search of an organization that would organize a call to action for such issues facing the appraisal industry. One who proudly and loudly represents the majority of it's members interests to our lawmakers. I didn't get that impression from the email received, nor from the NAIFA site. The site nor the email made any reference to our petition, (although lender pressure was a topic). Nearly 6500 appraisers have signed.

When an organization is soliciting members, in my opinion, it would be wise to emphasize what is done with our dues $$. The impression I was left with was that it would make NAIFA stronger. Great, what will they do with that strength? Should these specifics have to be addressed in an email to the president? Wouldn't you expect these specifics to be obvious to the recipient of the email or a visitor to the site? Again, JMHO.

As it stands, my support would be to the Guild. But I suppose the most important thing is not a battle of 'who's the best', but to get involved and united with that organization that you feel best represents your concerns as an appraiser. That said, I 'spose I'll be off to the Guild site.

Have a good day!!

The link to the Appraisers Petition is in the news archives on the NAIFA website:


This link was on the NAIFA main page for a number of months.

I encourage all appraisers to join at least one organization; AGA, NAIFA, ASA, AI , NAR ect..

No organization is better than the other....simply different tastes for different people.

Don Clark,

I would like an interpretation of what you mean by "small minds" as well. First of all, you appear to belittle those of us who read the email, and haven't jumped on their bandwagon, because they indicated they were trying to help our plight. Many people make claims, the internet is full of crooks offering something for nothing, or who will take your money and you will never hear from them again.

The email appears to me to be an obvious attempt at bolstering their membership by any means possible. The "fear" tactic used is a common emotional trick used by advertisers to get their target audience to act quickly.

I was a member of one appraiser organization for a year. They promised to help me increase my business by sharing my contact information with their lending partners. They also advertised my information on their website. It was a mistake, my investment in them was wasted. As far as their other services, I can't think of anything useful that they were able to provide me with.

You admit you aren't even a member of the organization, so why do you seemingly defend them? If you did support them, then it would make sense that you should join them. Instead, you have chosen to knock your fellow appraisers.
To all, I have read your posts regarding our NAIFA letter and the other comments. Some of you many know me and some may not but for those who do not let me tell first that I am a National Director for NAIFA in my 2nd term with one remaining. I am also Chairman of NAIFA's HUD Committee, past member of the Education Committee for 4 years and have filed in every state and regional position on the local level for the last 10 years so yes I am very involved with NAIFA.

You ask what has NAIFA done for the common appraiser. Let me state in the last 3 years if it wasnt for the NAIFA HUD Committee those of you who do FHA appraisals would be paying higher E+O insurance, Texas appraisers would of had to be licensed home inspectors, many of you would of failed your FHA exam, and changes to the FHA appraisal and AQA process would of been a mystery.

Belonging to an organization is a good thing however even though I represent our own individual HUD committee we work for every FHA approved appraiser regardless if your a member of IFA or not.

I just brought out a few of the things our committee has done however we are involved with HUD in just about every aspect on a daily basis. Do you know right now our HUD committee has letters being sent to every appraisal organization incl Nar to form a National HUD Committee so we can all work as a team representing all of the FHA approved appraisers so we have more power up on the hill. Did you know we have letters and inquiries into over 4 Senators incl the Chairman of the Banking committee trying to make heads or tails over this Appraisers Watch program. Did you know we have letters in Vance Morris Director of Single Family and to each of the Hoc directors requesting that they put on a one day FHA appraiser workshop in their area. Did you know that we made the only FHA home inspection video course that we present to the E+O carriers to prove that there is no added risk doing a FHA appraisal. I can go on and on but this is what we do. We represent a common goal to better prepare the FHA appraiser in this HUD environment.

We do this without solicitation, without cudos, without asking any appraiser for anything. We have the most solid 6 course educational program for HUD ranging from courses for realtors, inspectors, reviewers, 203K consultants and of course the in the trench appraiser.

So, you ask why NAIFA? What have they done for me? Who are they and why should I join? Its simple because we will work for you without asking for anything and its up to you if you want to join or not. Why would you belong to an organization who never did anything for the common appraiser except collect their dues well IFA isnt one of them.

If you want to see everything the HUD committee has been working on well go to the HUD postings in this site and pull up the NAIFA HUD Committee report that Wayne was so nice in putting up. Thank you Wayne.

Thomas M.Munizzo, IFA
Chairman, NAIFA HUD Committee
National Director
The main issue is influence. Even if all appraisal organizations banded together, we would not have enough people, money or power. The NAR has a membership that is ten times the number of all appraisers in the country. The NAR is significantly more powerfull and they have never been in our corner on a national level. I know plenty of realtors/brokers who are delighted at the use of AVM's for purchases. If there is no appraiser involved in the transaction, it is one less potential deal killer.

I remember reading a mortgage banker trade journal which had an article in which it was stated that appraisers were a hindrance to the whole process, added unecessary costs and delays, and it should be a goal for them to remove us from the lending process. The mortgage bankers are also considerably more powerfull and influential than any coalition of appraisers could ever be.

NAIFA does do good things for appraisers, but nothing of a truly significant nature that affects ALL appraisers. I don't believe they ever will. The same can be said for AI. The AGA does have the potential to force significant changes, only due to the large amount of money(influence)they control. However, to date, they have not done anything significant. Why? What are they waiting for? If AGA were to use their influence with fannie mae to force change-I think their membership would increase substantially.
All of the organizations are saying the same thing. I believe it to be true also. If we do not come together as a group 90 percent of existing appraisers will be out of business in 10 to 15 years. All agree USPAP is killing us.

Steve Vertin
I joined the NAIFA 10 years ago for my own reasons. I had no idea when I joined, that pushing laws through for your benefit was one of my obligations. Nor did anyone from NAIFA ever misrepresent the organization to me a law pusher. Nor have I ever represented myself to anyone as a law pusher. Since you state that you have no intention of joining the NAIFA, why do ask what the benefits are? What do you care?

In four years of AGA chat room spam, no one seems to be able to sing praises to the AGA without tearing other organizations down. Maybe you could explain why that is. I don’t see anyone else doing it.

You ask how many members they have. I have been asking Bill Sentner how many members the AGA has for two years in three different chat rooms and he does not give a straight answer and usually insults my intelligence for asking.

I ahve been asked "what do you mean by small minds?". I thought I had already answered that but here goes again. A small mind is one that looks for bad in everything someone else tries to accomplish. Just look on this thread for examples. As stated, I am not a member of NAIFA but I do applaud their efforts and may join them. I have been posting comments on their web site at one or more of their forums for over 3 years. They have never charged me to do that, nor have they pushed membership on me. I am not trying to belittle, demean, or otherwise put down my "fellow appraisers". I have worked for years to do positive things for other appraisers. In my own state of Virginia I was able, with the help of my state delagate, to get a requirement for a seal on appraisals removed from regulations, and to get 2 additional appraisers on our state board. We have a 9 member board, and until that time, had only 4 appraisers on the board. I did this individually(See the Communicator Magazine, December 2000 edition "How one appraiser changed the system"). I also serve on the state Realtor Association Appraisal Section Board of Directors, and have taught seminars from coast to coast. I like associating with positive thinking people. I love to teach. For that and many other reasons, NAIFA may soon have another member. What has NAIFA done for you? What have you done for yourself and for the profession :?:

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