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Desperation breeds scare tactics

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I agree that we need a cohesive organization to speak for the appraisers in the world. But getting the individual organizations that exist together today is an unrealistic solution; too many egos and too much baggage.

Interesting to note, the official party line on why the Appraisal foundation was started was in recognition of this very problem, that there needed to be an independent organization to address appraisal related issues of ethics and competency. Something got derailed along the way on that.

I do take mild exception to your comment about USPAP being the villain. I think the basic document itself is fine, I just think it is often used and abused, mostly by self righteous appraisers and state boards. But you already know that. Hopefully better education and standardized instruction will help.

Best regards

Tom Hildebrandt GAA
I had to rush on my prior post, but one of the things I meant to say is that when appraisers ask, "what's in it for me" on joining the NAIFA, I usually just tell them, "Nothing." I am not looking to sign up any crybabies looking for a hand out, because I like my 'whine' without the 'h.' I look for people who have something of substance to contribute to the professional first and the group second; and who understand symbioisis - and that sooner or later, the designation will pay for itslef over and over.

You say,
"I love to teach. For that and many other reasons, NAIFA may soon have another member. What has NAIFA done for you? What have you done for yourself and for the profession."

I have long admired your knowledge, integrity and commitment. I would be proud to sponsor you, should you decide to come in with us.
Having been a member of two appraisal organizations...I can honestly say membership for the sake of membership stinks! Now if you could gain some political clout by having a strong lobbist and the backing of a major force like the National Association of REALTORS....maybe.

Seems every time NAR's appraisal section and the Appraisal Institute attempt to join hands (again) it never happens. I will remain a member of the Appraisal Section for two reasons. One, I am there already, and Two...it's relatively inexpensive when compared to other groups.

I would challenge some of the statements made in that email. I am as busy as ever. The number of foreclosure appraisals is increasing every month...a real source of business for a living, breathing appraiser and not some artificial intelligence device that got the lender in trouble to begin with. Come on recession, come on depression! Let the lenders take a bath in their own pool of stupidity...ie, 125% equity loans.

When I joined NAIFA, I was looking for a professional organizaiton where I could earn a designation, meet other appraisers to share information and discuss problems. I got more than I bargined for! Besides earing an education and meeting professional appraisers, I have learned alot from outstanding national courses and from terrific speakers at the chapter level. NAIFA has marketed our group at the state level and the two days of free education can't be beat. I love my free web site and applaud their efforts to use modern technology to get their word out. Here in New Jersey, we are clearly a group who looks out for each other. So to paraphrase from some other commercial, Try us, you'll like us.

Charles E. Blau, Esq. IFAS

My post was not intended to offend. When I say USPAP, I am not talking about the actual document in an exclusive manner. I am referring to the system built around it and its interpretation.

Steve Vertin.
"has been a mass exodus from professional organizations since 1989
and the enactment of FIRREA because it fostered the misconception that
licensing and certification would negate the need for professional

The reason for the mass exit is the extremely high fees many assoc. charge...far more than even the State Bar in my state. NAIFA lost me when they whacked me for a fee, then dunned me for an extra $100...sorry.....Bad management was the reason for NAIFA going from flush with money to struggling. Ditto for AI who probably has more debt than NAIFA.

Sorry, NAIFA, in 10 years I have been asked about a designation only 6-7 times and each and every one asked for a MAI.....NOT ONE OTHER DESIGNATION...not SRA, not IFAS, not anything else. Designations, under that scenario, are worthless save MAI and at its expense, to help me on only 6 or 7 appraisals it would not pay for itself. Gospel.

Too many appraisers in 1989 thought FIRREA and enabling appraiser legislation was for the protection and enhancement of appraisers. It is not and never was. It is the mode to punish appraisers without having to go to court. An administrative court (read Kangaroo) now punishes errant appraisers. The fact that that punishment is arbitrary and punitive without a clear purpose done by persons who are not trained jurists does not matter to the "powers that be."

The Israelites wanted a king and got crazed Saul. Appraisers wanted a king and they got USPAP.

Terrel of the Ozarks

Sorry that you did/do not see the benefit of membership, but of course, that is your choice entirely.

I'll just say that so many appraisers are banking upon the associations to set everything straight, in one fell swoop, that I believe they are being unrealistic in their expectations.

I have some very specific observations.

1) I HAVE filled out applications in which I was asked about my designations- and more than once, IFA was already listed as a check box. I am guessing that your practice is more in the commercial end than residential, so you may not have received these.

2) I personally find that my membership is very fulfilling and rewarding. But, I made a decision to get fully invloved from the start. I find that I get out of things what I put in to them. Does not work for everyone.

3) I had a hand, with Tom Munizzo, in getting those HUD ads pulled. This was an association effort and it worked. Unfortunately, this is not visible to all.

4) When I add up my benefits, I find it very economical. 2 days of CE saves me $250. The Airborne discount saved me at least another $100/year. My firm covers my E+O but when I was in private practice, I would have saved an additional $100, making my membership essentially free, and I can have my own web page and lots of other things.

5) The associations also do some great work on a state level. In IL, the combined efforts have produced a pretty good bill. Again, this is not very visible.

So, what I think is going on here is some disaffection with the fact that the associations are splintered (true, but coming together), some mismanagement (I agree it also happened in NAIFA, but again, we are now on a sound fiscal footing), and a general dissatisfaction with the inability to effect changes that we all want (also true).

Does that mean we should stop trying? Sorry, that is not in my nature anyway. I am just wondering if we got everything we want- full blown appraisal on every loan- no exceptions, would the unaffiliated folks then join up? Probably not. They will find something else to ===== about- fees, turns times, etc., and will probably blame that on the associations too.

Life is not perfect, but as my Dad says, "Every day above ground is a good one." I am just not ready to throw in the old towel- so I'll keep plugging away. If my efforts help all appraisers in any way, well I'll be happy.

Brad Ellis, IFA, RAA
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