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Does Minimum Wage Increase Help Or Hurt The Appraisal Business?

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I was disagreeing with J Grant early on, but then saw that she thought minimum wage should be about the same level that I did, so it ended up being mostly semantics (though I still think some of her assertions were not entirely correct). But, take unions as an example. I am far removed from a proponent of unions, but believe that the threat of unionization should be there, particularly on the private sector. Public sector? Not so much. But if you read The Jungle and see how unions came about, it wasn't due to employees complaining about being forced to work 10-minutes after their shift is over or a dispute of what their job description actually entails. They were working extremely long hours for a pittance and incurring serious injuries on the job without compensation. There are some countries where these type of practices still take place. Those that feel that free market principles should take precedent in all scenarios might be surprised at how different our country would be without allowing for "artificial intervention" such as unions, and not all of those differences would be for the better.


Nicely said commish....:clapping:
There are no countries that I know of without government. Anybody posting here has enough money to move wherever they want to.
By the way, I see the connection to C&R. Our famous JT is for C&R. This Louisiana deal will go to supreme court likely without C&R. The judge with the FTC hearing was like I am not sure where to go.

C&R will happen. Joan Trice will be happy.

I'm good but I still want separation of fees.
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Don't move the goal post. (nowhere in my post was the word guaranty)

Get cracking on your ANSWERS. You have time, I'm going out for dinner, it's what the bourgeoisie does.
Hmmm, you used the word "ensure." Aware of its definition? :eyecrazy: I'm not moving goalposts; you're still looking for the field! :rof:
Separate fees, C&R. Win win. Takes oligopsonistic control out of the market. Antitrust law violations out of picture.
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Takes employee/independent contractor law out of the picture too. A union would have took that out of picture long ago.
Somalia, Haiti, close to lawless - give me examples of nation states with weak govt or no govt that are flourishing.

Yep, a minimum wage is the answer to Somalia & Haiti's problems.
The following awful, lawless, corrupt countries have no minimum wage:


I ask, who in their right mind would want to live in those places? (HINT: Nearly everyone on the US progressive far left.)

The following countries, what with their booming economies and everything otherwise culturally going swimmingly, have some of the highest minimum wages in the world:


On a serious note, the highest minimum wage in the world, adjusted for effective purchasing power, is in Australia, and it comes in somewhere around $10.50/hr. If the US mandated $15/hr it would be nearly 50% higher than the next highest minimum wage in all the world, and we’d be massive statistical outlier.

Facts don’t care about feelings, or so I’ve heard a couple of times.
That reality hurts my feelings on so many levels.:blowingup:
The following awful, lawless, corrupt countries have no minimum wage:


I ask, who in their right mind would want to live in those places? (HINT: Nearly everyone on the US progressive far left.)
The following countries, what with their booming economies and everything otherwise culturally going swimmingly, have some of the highest minimum wages in the world:


On a serious note, the highest minimum wage in the world, adjusted for effective purchasing power, is in Australia, and it comes in somewhere around $10.50/hr. If the US mandated $15/hr it would be nearly 50% higher than the next highest minimum wage in all the world, and we’d be massive statistical outlier.

Facts don’t care about feelings, or so I’ve heard a couple of times.

Below reprinted from my posted link- instead of being disingenuous, post the FACTS about nations Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc which do have their own version of a min wage/collective bargaining ( and more generous benefits than the USA)I said in my original post min wage OR collective bargaining ( which has same or better results, the anti min wage folks on this board are also anti union /collective bargaining)

Finland None; however, the law requires all employers, including non-unionized ones, to pay minimum wages agreed to in collective bargaining agreements; almost all workers are covered under such arrangements.[8]

Denmark None; instead, negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 (nominally $16) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits.[8][76]

Norway None; wages normally fall within a national scale negotiated by labor, employers, and local governments.[

Austria https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/pub...n-eu1500-monthly-minimum-wage-for-all-sectors

998 Brazilian reais per month ($257), paid 13 times a year.[45] The Brazilian minimum wage is adjusted annually by the federal government. Each Brazilian state has its own minimum wage, which cannot be lower than the federal minimum wage.

$257 a month is a high min wage for Brazil??

If collective bargaining and unions work better than a legislated min wage so be it, but those prosperous nations have strong unions and collective bargaining, they don;t rely on some pie in the sky "free market:" to deliver a good result for their workers /citizens

FWIW I believe a jump to $15 an hour for USA is too high
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