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EXOS and Blend Partner

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Pavlov was quite familiar with this crowd!!

I somewhat agree with this statement but most likely for a different reason.

We all sit in our own offices doing our own thing that works (or doesn't really work) for us and will judge others based on our own practices and what we do to make our mortgage payment.

The Exos system was widely debated about six months ago and it looks like it is still around (like it or not). It looks like they are not only using the system but expanding it to do more. It is obvious that the initial Exos system was researched and tested and they would not have rolled it out if it did not have a good chance of success.

If they are "enhancing" it or "expanding" it that means that what they first put out is doing well. Like SL or not, they are doing things that are appealing to their clients or they wouldn't be doing these things.

Do we all not do things that try to increase our business?

I am going to guess that there are appraisers who rely on a lot of their income from one to three clients and that SL might be a big part of their business and that Exos is becoming part of how they do business. I don't agree with having one client being a significant part of my business and think that any one client being more than 15% of orders is a really bad idea.

Maybe some appraisers spend time on the Exos system using it for organization of their business and rely on SL for business and can use this system to organize their entire business? I certainly wouldn't do it but there are reasons others would do it and my perspective from my little office in Michigan is not the only perspective.

I wouldn't ever use it but my choice is not the choice of others who may have their own reasons.
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blend, the speed kings, are using antiquated appraisals that take weeks. good news for the anti hybrids.
Well, we all know racism is a fact of life. What happens when the Borrower is a racist, misogynist, etc and decides upon seeing the Appraisers DL info that they because of discrimination do not want that Appraiser at their property or in their house. Does EXOS accommodate them?
Well, we all know racism is a fact of life. What happens when the Borrower is a racist, misogynist, etc and decides upon seeing the Appraisers DL info that they because of discrimination do not want that Appraiser at their property or in their house. Does EXOS accommodate them?

That’s the first thing I thought of when I read this thread.
Danny is involved in the process on a national and corporate level, and has tremendous forward thinking tech advanced capacities and different goals then we do. It is amazing he shows up here to engage with working appraisers. That said... .

I watched the videos on it. Not explained is what happens when for example, 8 appraisers are available for the same date and time for an appraisal on 10 Cherry Street in Smalltown NJ ( made up address) How is the one appraiser out of the 8 picked ?

I am fine with a scheduling app, but this is also a monitoring app . Increased monitoring is the future: I can accept that aspect. What I can not accept ( though I may not have a choice one day) is the disruption to income and uncertainty (from my perspective ) this brings. I'd be like an UBER driver, waiting anxiously for an app to ping I have an appointment on X date and time...How would I be chosen, if there were 8 other appraisers available for that date and time ? I assume a scorecard with fee as a factor/tie breaker , or on what basis do I get the assignment with 8 others available?

If my score was "lower" that week for being "late" by 30 minutes on a report, or my fee is $20 higher than another, I miss out on an order? That is what it sounds like unless someone tells me otherwise.

If it were a scheduling app divorced from assignment selection, the lender or AMC selects me for the order , as they do now, and they alert the borrower or RE agent with my name as appraiser. The borrower or agent enters several available dates and times in for an appointment .I then confirm via the app one of the times and dates.
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^ do you work for SL or does consideration of doing so in the future depend on questions above being answered?
I am not using EXOS ( my understanding is any AMC can adapt it)
But if I were, I would enter as an appraiser I am available for orders every day and time of the coming week in my coverage area, only blacking out the few I can not make. Assume other appraisers would do the same if they were hoping to snag orders. How would the EXOS system select which appraiser for an order on X date and time with multiple appraisers available for each appointment?
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How would the EXOS system select which appraiser for an order on X date and time with multiple appraisers available for each appointment?
Same way Uber does. You have to be in your car driving around neighborhoods in your service area. EXOS can see all the little car icons and the borrower will pick you if you're closest and they like your picture. Also having a lot of likes on Facebook helps.
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