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EXOS and Blend Partner

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Don’t need to try Exos. If I can’t schedule my own few appraisals then I’ve got more serious problems. At my peak, Exos wasn’t needed and would actually be a hindrance. For any appraiser that it works for, have at it and all the other baggage that comes with it.
The efficiency of scheduling is nulled out many times over by me not being able to interview the homeowner. I interviewed them about their property but also got a sense of them so that I know if I'm running into a potential buzzsaw on Monday morning.

That interview was a yuge part of my process. Hard pass.
The efficiency of scheduling is nulled out many times over by me not being able to interview the homeowner. I interviewed them about their property but also got a sense of them so that I know if I'm running into a potential buzzsaw on Monday morning.

That interview was a yuge part of my process. Hard pass.
Don’t ya know ? Appraisers don’t need no stinking pre inspect interactions or interviews. Nor should they pose any advance property questions to the HO. The “enhanced Lender/ Borrower experience” means just showing up at the property doorstep..like the Home Depot delivery guy
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“EXOS helps address critical consumer touchpoints overlooked by most lenders,” Vattem said. "The EXOS Appraisal platform eliminates the back and forth that often slows down the appraisal process, therefore giving lenders the ability to close loans faster, improve pipeline management and boost consumer loyalty and satisfaction.”

slow appraisers.
Danny is involved in the process on a national and corporate level, and has tremendous forward thinking tech advanced capacities and different goals then we do. It is amazing he shows up here to engage with working appraisers. That said... .

I watched the videos on it. Not explained is what happens when for example, 8 appraisers are available for the same date and time for an appraisal on 10 Cherry Street in Smalltown NJ ( made up address) How is the one appraiser out of the 8 picked ?

I am fine with a scheduling app, but this is also a monitoring app . Increased monitoring is the future: I can accept that aspect. What I can not accept ( though I may not have a choice one day) is the disruption to income and uncertainty (from my perspective ) this brings. I'd be like an UBER driver, waiting anxiously for an app to ping I have an appointment on X date and time...How would I be chosen, if there were 8 other appraisers available for that date and time ? I assume a scorecard with fee as a factor/tie breaker , or on what basis do I get the assignment with 8 others available?
Have you ever used the UBER app? It’s cool to watch all the little cars driving around the area and within a few seconds you get a text telling you the name, make and model of the UBER drivers car assigned to you. Oh, and there’s a cute little photo of the Driver. And after the ride you get to rate the Driver 1-4 stars. We’re they polite, timely, courteous?
Boy, if only appraisals could get completed in a timely manner within the transaction process. If only.

Hmmm, how about ordering them on Day 1 instead of the week prior to closing? Nah, that would never work.
I don't need no help addressing critical consumer touchpoints
Quality of your work and professionalism on turn times/updates are what drives workload on exos in my experience. Not having to schedule appointments makes my time more valuable, just keep a calendar up to date. Also my wife and I swap cars all the time, never been an issue. Overall exos has had a positive impact on my business
Absolutely Rocky and all of that can can be accomplished without Exos.

I would dare say even better. Give true independence a try.
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