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EXOS and Blend Partner

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Compare the two:

Non EXOS: Appraiser will get X # of orders a week, assigned by competency and fee/agreed on deadline by client. As the week goes by and the orders come in, appraiser contacts the borrower/agent contact ( phone, email, text ) and they respond and the appointment is set. Rarely is there an issue, when there is its usually an oddball/borrower changed mind/out of town.

With EXOS: Appraiser has to continually enter blocks of available times, dates and geo areas, which can change daily and need updating. Then appraiser waits around like an UBER driver for the app to ping with an appraisal order. If a scorecard is criteria for getting order the appraiser has to keep lowering their fee to score better/ deliver ever faster turn times, avoid any possible ""revision requests" (which can be inane) not decline appraisals , in order to get a better score card.

Result is uncertainty about orders, and appraiser has to perform like a hyper efficient warp speed circus seal to improve a scorecard by a few points to snag an order over an app. And it is questioned why we are resistant...
Actually, the assignment process is far more similar than you depict. In both cases, the appraisal goes to the highest rated appraiser available, with the primary difference being that in the "old way" we only generally know that you are (or are not) available sometime within the next week or so, and in EXOS we know exactly when and where you are available. In both systems, YOU determine/indicate that, not us.

Yes, EXOS does require one to be organized, and to use an electronic calendar. But, should not professionals who are scheduling appointments as a basis for driving their livelihood not already be doing that?

As for resistance, most of it is expressed by appraisers who have never even seen it in real life, much less actually used it :) At this point, we are fours years and a few million appointments in. Resistance is not what it was when we started, as more and more see the benefits. In fact, one of the most vocal critics in this (and other forums) when we first rolled out is strangely silent now. I will let you guess the reason for that silence.
. In fact, one of the most vocal critics in this (and other forums) when we first rolled out is strangely silent now. I will let you guess the reason for that silence.

Ok. The critic (whose identity you obviously know) needed work badly, accepted the App, keeps their mouth shut and knows better than to be a critique.
Actually, the assignment process is far more similar than you depict. In both cases, the appraisal goes to the highest rated appraiser available, with the primary difference being that in the "old way" we only generally know that you are (or are not) available sometime within the next week or so, and in EXOS we know exactly when and where you are available. In both systems, YOU determine/indicate that, not us.

Yes, EXOS does require one to be organized, and to use an electronic calendar. But, should not professionals who are scheduling appointments as a basis for driving their livelihood not already be doing that?

As for resistance, most of it is expressed by appraisers who have never even seen it in real life, much less actually used it :) At this point, we are fours years and a few million appointments in. Resistance is not what it was when we started, as more and more see the benefits. In fact, one of the most vocal critics in this (and other forums) when we first rolled out is strangely silent now. I will let you guess the reason for that silence.

Maybe they are silent because they are dead ? ( no... ) More like accepted it and silent to get on with business...
For those of us that perceive drawbacks it has nothing to do with lack of ability to use an electronic calendar or be organized.

My clients can see immediately or within a short time know if I am available for an order :they ask via their website or phone /other they have an order they would like me to do, Am I available for it with delivery by Y date ( and fee ) If I respond yes, they send the order. When I get the appointment I update the client - it is simple, fast, and works for everyone.

EXOS fulfills functions for your company for for automation /speed/integration with other products. Good for your company! I expressed my reservations about it in prior posts on this thread..
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Actually, the assignment process is far more similar than you depict. In both cases, the appraisal goes to the highest rated appraiser available, with the primary difference being that in the "old way" we only generally know that you are (or are not) available sometime within the next week or so, and in EXOS we know exactly when and where you are available. In both systems, YOU determine/indicate that, not us.

Yes, EXOS does require one to be organized, and to use an electronic calendar. But, should not professionals who are scheduling appointments as a basis for driving their livelihood not already be doing that?

As for resistance, most of it is expressed by appraisers who have never even seen it in real life, much less actually used it :) At this point, we are fours years and a few million appointments in. Resistance is not what it was when we started, as more and more see the benefits. In fact, one of the most vocal critics in this (and other forums) when we first rolled out is strangely silent now. I will let you guess the reason for that silence.

yea...I am not strangely silent. Sometimes people just dont engage with you because you have either 1) become annoying or 2)realized they are beating a dead horse.
Wouldnt it just be great if exos calendar worked? Appraisers have more than one client. Try utilizing Google calendar and having it sync with the Exos calendar. EPIC FAIL. so if you only want to do servicelink work, this system works out. Most of us have more than 1 client, so keeping multiple calendars is NOT efficient. And by chance, if you can actually get the calendars to sync, now Servicelink knows more than they should about your client base and where the appraiser is traveling that day. Talk about intrusive. Its like your own lil Alexa, butting into your schedule. How about you just let us manage our business and you manage your business. How about you pay customary and reasonable fees ? because I would bet money that the Exos assigned orders go to the "cheapest" appraiser first. And dont tell me Servicelink doesnt dictate fees. They sure as hell do. Except they will phrase it like this.... "the majority of people in your coverage area are under $xxxx.... So the fee is definitely in your algorithm. And maybe try having a scoring system that actually works correctly. Oh my, I could go on and on. I have sat on both sides of this fence. As a client and as an appraiser. Servicelink needs to put the SERVICE back into their business model. Your company needs some serious over haul. This is a service business. Stop trying to micromanage and streamline a process like your making shoelaces. This is not manufacturing, the six sigma's dont apply, its a service business, treat your vendors and your customers with respect and dignity.
yea...I am not strangely silent. Sometimes people just dont engage with you because you have either 1) become annoying or 2)realized they are beating a dead horse.
Wouldnt it just be great if exos calendar worked? Appraisers have more than one client. Try utilizing Google calendar and having it sync with the Exos calendar. EPIC FAIL. so if you only want to do servicelink work, this system works out. Most of us have more than 1 client, so keeping multiple calendars is NOT efficient. And by chance, if you can actually get the calendars to sync, now Servicelink knows more than they should about your client base and where the appraiser is traveling that day. Talk about intrusive. Its like your own lil Alexa, butting into your schedule. How about you just let us manage our business and you manage your business. How about you pay customary and reasonable fees ? because I would bet money that the Exos assigned orders go to the "cheapest" appraiser first. And dont tell me Servicelink doesnt dictate fees. They sure as hell do. Except they will phrase it like this.... "the majority of people in your coverage area are under $xxxx.... So the fee is definitely in your algorithm. And maybe try having a scoring system that actually works correctly. Oh my, I could go on and on. I have sat on both sides of this fence. As a client and as an appraiser. Servicelink needs to put the SERVICE back into their business model. Your company needs some serious over haul. This is a service business. Stop trying to micromanage and streamline a process like your making shoelaces. This is not manufacturing, the six sigma's dont apply, its a service business, treat your vendors and your customers with respect and dignity.

^ We need a rapid fire like button :):)
yea...I am not strangely silent. Sometimes people just dont engage with you because you have either 1) become annoying or 2)realized they are beating a dead horse.
Wouldnt it just be great if exos calendar worked? Appraisers have more than one client. Try utilizing Google calendar and having it sync with the Exos calendar. EPIC FAIL. so if you only want to do servicelink work, this system works out. Most of us have more than 1 client, so keeping multiple calendars is NOT efficient. And by chance, if you can actually get the calendars to sync, now Servicelink knows more than they should about your client base and where the appraiser is traveling that day. Talk about intrusive. Its like your own lil Alexa, butting into your schedule. How about you just let us manage our business and you manage your business. How about you pay customary and reasonable fees ? because I would bet money that the Exos assigned orders go to the "cheapest" appraiser first. And dont tell me Servicelink doesnt dictate fees. They sure as hell do. Except they will phrase it like this.... "the majority of people in your coverage area are under $xxxx.... So the fee is definitely in your algorithm. And maybe try having a scoring system that actually works correctly. Oh my, I could go on and on. I have sat on both sides of this fence. As a client and as an appraiser. Servicelink needs to put the SERVICE back into their business model. Your company needs some serious over haul. This is a service business. Stop trying to micromanage and streamline a process like your making shoelaces. This is not manufacturing, the six sigma's dont apply, its a service business, treat your vendors and your customers with respect and dignity.
It is funny how some who clearly have not used the system as such ardent critics. Look, if you don’t want to work with my company, that is fine. Appraisers have thousands of clients to choose from. But to assert such false information about synching with Google calendar is just sad. Syncing with Google calendar has been a successful, working feature of EXOS for years. Numerous appraisers use that feature. And, the synching reveals nothing to us about any other clients. If you have a non-EXOS appointment, that time slot simply shows as a time not available for an EXOS appointment. But, hey, if you want to keep posting fabricated information, knock yourself out. :)
It is funny how some who clearly have not used the system as such ardent critics. Look, if you don’t want to work with my company, that is fine. Appraisers have thousands of clients to choose from. But to assert such false information about synching with Google calendar is just sad. Syncing with Google calendar has been a successful, working feature of EXOS for years. Numerous appraisers use that feature. And, the synching reveals nothing to us about any other clients. If you have a non-EXOS appointment, that time slot simply shows as a time not available for an EXOS appointment. But, hey, if you want to keep posting fabricated information, knock yourself out. :)

I am definitely not posting fabricated information, it comes from first hand experiences. There is absolutely nothing false I have stated about my experiences with the Exos calendar. But if you want to live in your land of denial, that choice is yours. How about being less defensive and more pro-active in fixing the problem than denying it exists. So if you want to keep denying that Exos is less than a perfect system , then you knock yourself out :)
Thanking my lucky stars that I cannot afford to work for Service Link, with EXOS only a part of it. :)
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