Some of these developments are obviously being imposed on the GSEs by the federal govt as per the terms of the agreements and concessions which are part of the GSE status. The GSEs made a deal with the feds from the outset and one of the conditions of that deal was the requirement to submit to the goals that the politicians are trying to achieve. Some of THOSE govt-imposed changes are politically motivated by politicians who are pandering to the activist set.
Most of these more recent developments would not be possible if not for the technology advancements.
We complain about the weakness of the modeling the AVMs use as if we aren't using a model ourselves - we do. The 1004 SC grid is a valuation model, and it's primary strength is the data qualification that the appraisers add to their process, as opposed to the much reduced amount of data qualification .
What I think might not be getting enough attention is the rate at which certain aspects of the tech are advancing. Supposedly there is tech available that can *review* the factual accuracy of the ratings the individuals use against the pics they took onsite. Tech which is allegedly capable of identifying the models of the specific fixtures and appliances in the kitchen pic, or identifying floor coverings and moldings and trim and even rating the condition. Enough so as to come up with different ratings than the individual onsite made.
Even if that tech doesn't work as well right now, it's just a matter of not-that-much-time before it gets to that point. That the lenders and GSEs are adapting to these evolutions is both obvious and inevitable. If you think the GSEs haven't been comparing all along the accuracy of the PDRs with the appraisers and haven't already come to their own conclusions as to their respective utility then by golly, bless your heart.
Politics or no politics, the GSEs in particular are *demonstrating* the conclusions they have come to WRT comparing these various alternatives to what appraisers have actually been doing. If the spread between the two doesn't justify to the user the hassle of dealing with the appraisals then the appraisers' conduct is contributing something to that outcome, even if it's only by a little.