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First In Series - Ivpi Q&a #1

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I am a former VA fee panel appraiser and was one before they opened up the panel to practically anyone with a pulse. I know exactly what happens to appraisers when they no longer have to compete with other appraisers. I also know exactly what happens when there is an oversupply of appraisers on such a panel.

Tell me, do you remember working on the panel when you thought it was working well; and if so, what did you like about it at that time?
It does us no good to beat up on each other. If Tim has a better proposal than I hope it will be supported.
Right now, IVPI is the only one on the table that represents a voice from Appraisers. There is little time left for us to cause a change from what has gone on in the past. The deadline is the end of April to submit "comments" or support of our or any other Proposal.
Please do not worry about signing up on NVS website it obligates you to nothing. During the creation of the Proposal we changed names to IVPI because that was the entity created by the Agreement. The only thing we would do with the information provided NVS is send information about the IVPI proposal and updates.
There are no secret agendas, no black helicopters, and we are not trying to conceal any of the details. In fact, we stated our entire Proposal in the full light of day which is something that nobody else has done. I know it is part of our professional nature to analyze everything and that's a good thing. Unfortunately our history in this profession is that we get screwed at every turn, and so we expect it with everything and look to find the flaws.
If you believe as I do, the IVPI Proposal offers the best chance at making meaningful change to better serve the Public Trust, then I ask you to make you voice heard and send in endorsements for IVPI.

Please read the proposal. Apparently many of you have skimmed it, but read it. Print it out. Too many of you are asking questions that tells me you obviously haven't truly read and digested what it is. Pam,George,Mike,Richard etc...should not be on here on a Sunday answering questions, defending it ad nauseum if you, in fact ,have read it. Give them a break.
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