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First In Series - Ivpi Q&a #1

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Sarcasm deleted - ahh hell - I couldn't separate it so all of this was deleted. Sorry about that - not really, to be honest.
And that should be the judgment for the rest of the USA? FWIW - the appraisers, overall, here on the VA panel are some of the sharpest residential appraisers I know - in fact I called one tonight and had a very intellectual conversation - I know many who even have a Master's Degree. But that doesn't necessarily impy that it's the same across the USA.

What does intelligence or knowledge have to do with interpersonal skills? The two are not related.(Heck, the three are not related!)

As someone who was on the VA panel for more years than I'd like to remember and who was the "beating dog" for the "Regional VA Review Appraiser" (and someone who hasn't been on the panel for over 10 years but the SOB was forced into retirement) I can say - I DO understand the hostility! The "review" appraiser here would tell the appraiser "do it this way" even after objections (NOTING USPAP HERE) and then tell him/her "do it that way" the next, even after objections (AGAIN NOTING USPAP HERE). I learned how to comply with USPAP, which had just come into requirement and make HIM the focus of it - jurisdictional exception (I didn't say that).

And we should expect something different from the IVPI? I thought you said VA appraisers were really sharp. Perhaps you were referring to fee appraisers and not supervisory staff appraisers. :shrug: Thanks for making a good point about what we could possibly expect from IVPI though.

And what was the license level, or experience level of those folks, if you don't mind me asking (My insert - generalizations [i.e. "broad brush"])

I'm sorry, but many here know, I have a question for you - if you had the proof, why didn't you turn him into THE STATE BOARD? That statement is not, IMHO, in compliance with USPAP and hasn't been - state what you did and what you didn't do! I won't say lame excuse

Primarily because it would have been "he said; she said." I guess by the nature of your question, it should be inferred that you send all such reports you encounter to your state board?

If you say so - when's the last time you looked at conventional appraisers?

The question and answer regarded VA appraisers. A discussion of conventional appraisers is outside the scope of this particular discussion.

There are people who have spent days, weeks, hours of what should have been "family time" working on this stuff. Do you have a better suggestion? We are being pushed into the corner, and labeled, again!

Already given, but it is an option provided by the HVCC.

Provide a better "mouse trap"!

Edit to add: 87.5% of conventional fees? I agree with PE - HELL no one in their rights minds, or even wrong minds, would do the appraisals - I could pick up aluminum and glass along side the road and make that kind of money with no liability.

Obviously the "less" was an error and should have been "of". Other typographical errors in the "interview" should indicate that it was a first draft and unedited.

I do not believe I stated that ALL VA appraisers are skippies or anything else. I do believe I have provided evidence from personal experience that a closed, rotational system panel of appraisers is not the utopian answer to the problem that some may believe. Again, my suggestion for the "best" option is already given in the HVCC. Lender selection of the appraiser by someone not affiliated with the lender's production side. Most likely someone from the underwriting or appraisal review department.

I thought you "left" AF because of the mudslinging? Was it a little too boring on the other forum?
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My concern is that the bar to join the group would be set too low.
For example, in a given market area you have a CR with 15 years experience who does quality work. You also have a CR with five years experience who is a notorious number hitter. You also have a CG with two years experience who has 4 trainees.
Will all three of them qualify?

The way I read page 10 section #2 of the proposal, they all would.
My concern is that the bar to join the group would be set too low.
For example, in a given market area you have a CR with 15 years experience who does quality work. You also have a CR with five years experience who is a notorious number hitter. You also have a CG with two years experience who has 4 trainees.
Will all three of them qualify?

The way I read page 10 section #2 of the proposal, they all would.


How would one prove that a particular CR is a "number-hitter" or that the CG with four trainees is necessarily sending out shoddy work? Are we going to take that just on rumor?

It may be that we have to adopt the police attitude toward domestic violence: do nothing until the abuser shows up and trespasses. :shrug:
IVPI Q&A Question 3

My concern is that the bar to join the group would be set too low.
For example, in a given market area you have a CR with 15 years experience who does quality work. You also have a CR with five years experience who is a notorious number hitter. You also have a CG with two years experience who has 4 trainees. Will all three of them qualify?
The way I read page 10 section #2 of the proposal, they all would.

"The IVPI Fee Appraisal Panel affords ALL Appraisers that meet the requirements on page 10 section 2 of the Proposal the opportunity to apply for Membership,

but not all will meet the Panel’s on-going Review Criteria.

This creates a level playing field where quality, competency, and service are the prerequisites instead of low cost and speed."

(Sorry, the CG above was a typo. It is a newly minted CR).

Using the police attitude toward domestic violence example, one would be assuming that ALL CR's have similar knowledge, skills and abilities. I don't think they all do.
Sorry, Mike.

I didn't see your post when I replied.
What percent of submitted reports will the review panel be revewing?

Can you fill us in regarding--
feedback to date from the GSEs on the IVPI proposal and your thoughts on why they would give up their control of the process to any outside entity instead of forming a similar ones themselves?
My concern is that the bar to join the group would be set too low.
For example, in a given market area you have a CR with 15 years experience who does quality work. You also have a CR with five years experience who is a notorious number hitter. You also have a CG with two years experience who has 4 trainees.
Will all three of them qualify?

The way I read page 10 section #2 of the proposal, they all would.

Yeah! What about it. What if in a given market you have a CR with 15 yrs exp whose business has grown on the hit the number please the skippy model. You also have a CR with 5 years experience whose integrity is beyond reproach.

Forget the Generals....with residential trainees. What are they doing in residential with 4 trainees anyway. The limit is three and he's should be taking a refresher course.
I do not believe I stated that ALL VA appraisers are skippies or anything else. I do believe I have provided evidence from personal experience that a closed, rotational system panel of appraisers is not the utopian answer to the problem that some may believe. Again, my suggestion for the "best" option is already given in the HVCC. Lender selection of the appraiser by someone not affiliated with the lender's production side. Most likely someone from the underwriting or appraisal review department.

I thought you "left" AF because of the mudslinging? Was it a little too boring on the other forum?
Emphasis added.

Please show me where I said I left. :fiddle: Those are not my words.
Emphasis added.

Please show me where I said I left. :fiddle: Those are not my words.

You appear to be correct that you did not state or infer this. Perhaps it was a comment someone else stated in response to something you may have posted. My mistake.
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