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"growth" Checkboxes On Gse Forms

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That form is worth nothing. It is so bad i tell my readers not to rely on it.
That is probably good advice... :)
The new way. A monthly analysis? Or daily? Always asking for more and why not they keep doing it.
It is the best advice.
Yep. Because statements like that are a virtual guarantee that it wasn't completed correctly, and, hence, is best ignored :)
The MC form is a direct result of appraisers not actually reporting market conditions. While it is poorly constructed and misinterpreted/misused by many appraisers, it does serve as a caveat to appraisers to not ignore the 800 lb gorilla in the room as most did pre 2008. It certainly could be better, but so could the effort of appraisers pre 2008, by an exponential factor.
Completed correctly? It is hard to compute irregular data. The AMC buddy system is really doing a number on the market.
Look, if my most recent sales are 2-3 months old and my sales 8-12 months old yield the same range of value and my listings indicate the same value range, do I even need to do a neighborhood trend analysis? Whats the point?

They wanted time adjustments which are all BS.
I am appraisal GOD. I say it is worth $X. Take my word or **. Commentary? Your request for commentary insults me as a GOD. ** times 2. Get over yourself.
They wanted time adjustments which are all BS.

When the form was introduced what they wanted was for appraisers to wake up, analyze some actual data, and realize that in many places that appraisers were marking STABLE, prices were falling like a rock.
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