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Hello, I'm known as "Joker"

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I keep getting thrown off the Facebook appraiser groups
I am surprised the Facebook groups even have the ability to understand what you are really say ing. Other than finding out what not to do when it comes to appraisals. What is the downside to getting thrown off of the Facebook group
There's a bunch of FB appraiser groups. Some are more active than others. I haven't checked in to the big one for a few years as I just get angry when I do. The other ones have more experienced and educated appraisers in them and don't cause me stress.

Re: fax. I dropped one of the dedicated fax lines but still have one of them. I still have an all in one machine and I do use the fax on it, mostly for financial and medical documents.

Anyone heard from Pam lately? It's been a year or so since I last heard from her.
I am surprised the Facebook groups even have the ability to understand what you are really say ing. Other than finding out what not to do when it comes to appraisals. What is the downside to getting thrown off of the Facebook group
The downside is some left here and ran over there, and then get banned over there and they have no place to go to. Once that happens they have no outlet to vent on.
The Facebook groups are excessive drama, venting and pseudo arrogance. They're like those amoeba churches that continually splinter into new ones until you have dozens attempting to reach "purity". One of the worst things is there are no sub forums so if you wanted to read Santora's USPAP posts, you'll have to scroll through hundreds of posts by idiots about getting their shirt caught on a chain link fence and it ruining their day. I've been banned from about 3 of them and rarely even peek in them any more.
Hey TC you need to try out your red pen in Facebook, the spelling and grammar over there is probably raising dead English teachers nationwide.
In California English is now a official second language :)
Hey TC you need to try out your red pen in Facebook, the spelling and grammar over there is probably raising dead English teachers nationwide.
I rarely go there. But your right about lousy grammer.
There's a bunch of FB appraiser groups. Some are more active than others. I haven't checked in to the big one for a few years as I just get angry when I do. The other ones have more experienced and educated appraisers in them and don't cause me stress.

Re: fax. I dropped one of the dedicated fax lines but still have one of them. I still have an all in one machine and I do use the fax on it, mostly for financial and medical documents.

Anyone heard from Pam lately? It's been a year or so since I last heard from her.
Pam Crowley ? Ask Joyce Potts I see her post on Fake Book.
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