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Hello, I'm known as "Joker"

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Fake Book Moderators called Admin's are mostly just people who were Hall Monitors when they were kids and in HS and got regularly beat up after school
for being snitches and teachers favorites. Once the got into adulthood they are the same people who, want to be a HOA President or the local schools PTA Leader. Mostly low IQ and need to bully others online and show they have the power to remove someone they dont agree with. )
I'm vice-president in my HOA and I'll kick your ***!
Noticed something quite unusual here. I thought discussing politics here was a no no but it appears this place has gone rogue now. Can't seem to get away from it. I quit watching the news because it caused stress and stress caused my heart troubles. lets us do it in the Watercooler
Head Surfer lets us do it in the Watercooler only. all other threads are strictly business
Fernando drives a Tesla with a Biden/Harris sticker on one side and a Beto sticker on the other.
If you recall The first time Nando tried to bait us was when he ask our opinion /impression of a Tesla Parked in the Driveway ofa run Down house. Little did we know at the time it was his tesla and him being a Slum Lord was there trying to collect rent from a tenant. That's my story and I am stickin to it.
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