If you can stand one more opinion..........
There have been several posts referring to building codes, safety, CABO, FHA, etc.
Sometimes, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". One other universal building code says you cannot have direct ingress/egress from a bedroom to a garage. You can go (directly) from your living rm to an attached garage, from your kitchen, even from a bathroom!!!! But Never a bedroom.
So, when faced with calling a room a bedroom or a "den", the appraiser should keep in mind what is "legal and permissable". For instance, if the appraiser has the knowledge that the subject is in a single family zone and was NEVER given permission (variance) to be a two family, the appraiser CANNOT call/appraise the home as a two family, no matter what it looks like.
Back to YOUR problem. I believe the appraiser, despite the tone of the comment, was attempting to squeeze all the value possible out of the home for you and for the applicant. After all, isn't a 3 bedroom home "worth" more than a 2 bedroom home??? And what would happen to the appraiser's license if she appraised the home as a 3BR (without lock or bar changesl) and the lender took it over and could only get a certificate of re occupancy for a two bedroom home and had to sell it at a loss, or make "expensive" modifications to make it a 3BR when the appraisal report made no adjustments for same???
Truthfully, no comment should have been made to the applicant. The appraiser should have informed you that the home was being appraised as a "2BR W/den" unless the modifications were made and a reinspection were done, OR, as a 3BR "contingent upon repairs" with an adjustment made for modification cost.
I am sure that if it were presented in that manner, and if you were informed that the only way to meet value expectations was to call this home a 3BR, YOU would have been on the phone to the applicant to get her to make the changes.
In retrospect, I think that the greatest amount of upset was caused by the (direct) comment from the appraiser to the applicant, NOT the issue of functionality or safety. As you can tell by most of the prior posts, the general consensus is that this one room cannot be "counted" as a bedroom.
Just my $0.02 along with everyone elses'
The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Get