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Hurricane Helena devastation in NC!

Pilate said I find no guilt in this man. I can only imagine asking Jesus what is truth?

Read that scripture. It just amazes you how truth was standing in front of Pilate and he didn't know it when he already admitted to the crowd he found no guilt in Jesus.

The most guilty thing Jesus was accused of was saying I am God in so many words.


“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.”

That got Jesus crucified.
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It; 's not a matter of opinions or stray anecdotes.

Look at how many times I, John Hassler, Mike Ault, and several others fact-checked false info in MAGA posts here in the past 2 months in the WC and related threads. The posters could have fact-checked for themselves, of course.

They ignored us or posted cartoons or made about isms or insulted us or bought up random past incidents accusing a democrat (of something) yet they could not refute the facts wrt teh falsehoods they posted..

Fact checking would be a 24/ 7 job and we only have a small portion of time to devote to it and I take no pleasure in it. I did it because I find it disturbing that a sizeable segment of fellow citizens have gone down the rabbit hole -

Good grief. Why don't you fact-check Kamala Harris and Joe Biden? That is the logical retort. Donald Trump usually speaks without a script, so he exaggerates sometimes and sometimes doesn't get the facts quite correct. And he has his opinions, that you ought to well know are opinions, such as the assertion that the presidential election of 2020 was fraudlent in some areas - an opinion shared by many - but for which solid proof is lacking. We have the right to question the validity of the election process, that is in fact a good thing. In the past, Democrats have often accused the Republicans of stuffing the ballot box. Nothing new there.

Where do you draw the line between criticism and action? That is a grey area. The Democrats can in fact, and this IS verifiable, be accused of bring on the Jan 6 problems by not bringing more enforcement for the demonstrations. That is to say, the Democrats invited the problems of Jan 6, as much as the Republicans. Pelosi was at fault there, as well as other Democrats who the one in charge of managing the demonstrations.

You, Hassler and other leftist TDS folks on the forum are a total joke WRT your so-called "fact-checking".

The water in the air​

Helene formed above unusually warm water in the Gulf of Mexico. As that water evaporated, it gave the storm the fuel it needed to rapidly intensify into a Category 4 hurricane and evolve into one of the widest cyclones to ever hit the United States.

“Water vapor is weather fuel, and it's controlled by the sea surface temperature,” Lackmann said. “So when you have record warm sea surface temperatures, you have record amounts of weather fuel.”

Sept. 26, 2 p.m.
A map key for the following map of satellite water vapor imagery

Climate change makes the freakishly hot conditions that fueled Helene’s growth more common.

“We won’t know the full estimated contributions from climate change until more thorough analysis is done. But this is a pattern we’re seeing around the world. Extreme rainfall events are becoming more common,” said Baker Perry, a professor of climatology at the University of Nevada at Reno, who previously taught at Appalachian State University.

The rain before the storm​

Two days before Helene made landfall, record-setting rains were already starting to soak the Blue Ridge Mountains in Tennessee and North Carolina. A zone of low pressure along a front pulled water vapor up from the Gulf of Mexico into the mountains, where it quickly rose, condensed into storm clouds, and dumped heavy rain.

Those earlier rains “guaranteed that a lot of the water that came with Helene was not going to have anything to soak into, and so it was all going to be running down the surface to the nearest low-lying area and then just collect,” said Douglas Miller, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of North Carolina at Asheville.

They also created a wet, swampy environment that allowed Helene to cling to the last of its strength as it moved deep inland. Hurricanes weaken when they move over dry land — but the water vapor rising off the soaked ground in Helene’s path extended the storm’s life. “It’s slowing its demise,” Perry said. “It’s not strengthening, but it’s weakening slower than it otherwise would be.”
Not many people are talking about the 1-2 punch. Like you are posting here, and I listen to several meteorologists with YouTube channels, the region got 6-10 inches of rain a day or two before Helene hit them. This type of disaster just wasn't on anyone's radar.
Crap. Just what we don't need. The cone of landfall can always change of course, but even getting the outer bands of a storm like this is punishing.

Most Floridians know by now to have gas in the car, cash in th house, a store of food, water and hopefully have storm shuttres in place - but catospthicc damage is whole level of suffering if it debvlops into a cat 3 or above and hits a populated area.
From what I saw it's going to be Cat 4, but quickly dissipate after landfall. I don't think anyone was predicting this type of development a week ago.
Not many people are talking about the 1-2 punch. Like you are posting here, and I listen to several meteorologists with YouTube channels, the region got 6-10 inches of rain a day or two before Helene hit them. This type of disaster just wasn't on anyone's radar.

There's talk that the Democrats are sitting on billions of previously allocated FEMA funds that have not been used - and using them as their own "slush fund:"

Good grief. Why don't you fact-check Kamala Harris and Joe Biden? That is the logical retort. Donald Trump usually speaks without a script, so he exaggerates sometimes and sometimes doesn't get the facts quite correct. And he has his opinions, that you ought to well know are opinions, such as the assertion that the presidential election of 2020 was fraudlent in some areas - an opinion shared by many - but for which solid proof is lacking. We have the right to question the validity of the election process, that is in fact a good thing. In the past, Democrats have often accused the Republicans of stuffing the ballot box. Nothing new there.

Where do you draw the line between criticism and action? That is a grey area. The Democrats can in fact, and this IS verifiable, be accused of bring on the Jan 6 problems by not bringing more enforcement for the demonstrations. That is to say, the Democrats invited the problems of Jan 6, as much as the Republicans. Pelosi was at fault there, as well as other Democrats who the one in charge of managing the demonstrations.

You, Hassler and other leftist TDS folks on the forum are a total joke WRT your so-called "fact-checking".
Their facts are their feelz. There is no logic, reason, critical thinking or consequence consideration. A propagandist's wet dream audience.
Musk is right...it's a mind virus.
From what I saw it's going to be Cat 4, but quickly dissipate after landfall. I don't think anyone was predicting this type of development a week ago.
Latest I read on weatherbug was it will weaken and be a mid-level Cat 3 upon landfall. But there are only 5 top models to choose from so for the most part any guess between 2 and 5 will likely have at least one winner...whatever. No one knows.
I don't know what 's going on up there or if our friend's stories about being stopped from helping is true or not. You have already printed disinformation here, such as homeowners only getting $750 from FEMA, which is not true, and a lot of your posts are more about spreading an anti-government MAGA agenda than really helping the situation..

FEMA does not have enough people there to prevent residents from helping each other, and that is not their role, but FEMA or the National Guard will stop civilians from helping or entering a dangerous area if it looks like they can be harmed or will slow down essential work being performed.
From what I have seen (and it's limited), where there has been interference with private people helping it has been from local authorities. And there may or may not be good reasons on a case by case basis. :shrug:
You can send us some rain anytime... None since early July to amount to anything. My neighbor is dusting up a storm trying to plow some ground -
The tractor was blurred because it is moving and I took the pix on a tripod from 400 yards away. I washed my car yesterday and it is dust covered again. View attachment 92049View attachment 92050View attachment 92051View attachment 92052
We might need some rain up here to even get a damned plow into the ground. Hardly any rain since Aug. 20, it was hard to harvest soybeans at anything more than 10% moisture.
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