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Hurricane Helena devastation in NC!

I went with my daughter to the mountain house up in Ashville/Black Mountain/Marion area. I knew we were gonna be in for some rain.... but instead the whole countryside around me exploded. I couldn't walk twenty feet down the road without a huge tree blocking. When we finally cut the trees out of the street, I was on... i
I thought I would make my way to asheville. There I saw houses, stores, cars, and semis floating away. It was all surreal. Everything was out. We had no food, no water, no electricity, no internet, no gasoline. We tried different ways to get out, but to no avail. Finally, on sunday with barely an eighth of a tank of gas, we headed out of Asheville, on i26. I was running on fumes after a while, and they came across one gas station that had electricity. I waited and I long line around the block. Finally, I was able to get thirty dollars worth of gas cash only. We made it home.
So many weren't that lucky. FEMA has been dragging its feet. I don't think the country realizes the devastation that this storm created. Who would guess that a hurricane that dropped no rain upon entering florida flooded a mountain range five hundred miles away and twenty five hundred feet up in the air.
There are a lot of conspiracies going around and i don't know exactly what's going on, but something isn't right. They aren't letting med teams up. Threatening to arrest a trained guy with a helicopter trying to save some people.
Entire towns have been washed away. Water going over a dam at one point had more water flowing over it then the niagara falls. Interstate 40 will take a year to open backup.
Harris offered seven hundred and fifty dollars... Unless you're an illegal, then you get twenty five hundred dollars for just breaking into the country.

They need so much help there. Please help them if you can.
Glad you made it out. I'm far enough east that all we got was a lot of rain and maybe a gallon of water in the basement. The devastation is unbelievable. I-40 has reopened except for near the TN/NC border and that blockage will take a long time to repair. Only about 2 in 1000 property owners in the western NC have flood insurance. I'm housing 3 humans and 3 cats who managed to get out. I agree that the federal response was too slow, too late, and of the wrong sort. The state response was a little better. The heroes have been local responders and non-profits. Government couldn't seem to get aid on the ground.... but Mercury One, Samaritan's Purse, World Central Kitchen, the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, and others were there quickly. One 'clinic' set up to provide some limited medical aid, handing out critical meds. The report is that FEMA told them they had to stop because it was not licensed as a clinic by NC. The clinic folks told them, if forced the issue, they would just move to another location but, they were not going to stop helping. The FEMA people went away.
Glad you made it out. I'm far enough east that all we got was a lot of rain and maybe a gallon of water in the basement. The devastation is unbelievable. I-40 has reopened except for near the TN/NC border and that blockage will take a long time to repair. Only about 2 in 1000 property owners in the western NC have flood insurance. I'm housing 3 humans and 3 cats who managed to get out. I agree that the federal response was too slow, too late, and of the wrong sort. The state response was a little better. The heroes have been local responders and non-profits. Government couldn't seem to get aid on the ground.... but Mercury One, Samaritan's Purse, World Central Kitchen, the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, and others were there quickly. One 'clinic' set up to provide some limited medical aid, handing out critical meds. The report is that FEMA told them they had to stop because it was not licensed as a clinic by NC. The clinic folks told them, if forced the issue, they would just move to another location but, they were not going to stop helping. The FEMA people went away.
I forget how many helicopters are being used daily until the helicopter pilots and medical helpers are just like we need a few more helicopters.

People on foot may be better option. But we are getting close now to where the best they can do is find the people dead or alive for their family.

I am sure you could die on foot because there are probably many dangers out there.
This family was tickled pink for the help they received:

Pretty amazing story. Many people are on foot trying. They had a bloodhound with them. I think the bloodhound found the dog in the tree.

It is a wonder the husband and his father didn't die going back to try and rescue the pets when they saw his house floating away.

He said his house looked like an ark with his pets in it. He had already rescued the wife and kids. Him and dad went back to rescue the pets.

They had to get on like a front end loader and get on top of a barn looking for their pets before the house just floated away.
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Okay Florida, if you evacuate quickly, grab the pets and take them with you. Okay?

It is easy to forget about pets sometimes. They are like another child like that man described. In some ways, pets can be more demanding.

Gollum in NC....
Law enforcement even warning not to deal with FEMA

This is false: FEMA does not ask for or generally accept any cash donations or volunteers for disaster response. We do encourage people who want to help to volunteer with or donate cash to reputable voluntary or charitable organizations. After a disaster, cash is often the best way to help as it provides the greatest flexibility for these reputable organizations working on the ground to purchase exactly what is needed.

If you encounter someone claiming to represent FEMA and asking for donations, be careful as that is likely a scam. Government employees will never solicit money.

This is false: FEMA does not ask for or generally accept any cash donations or volunteers for disaster response. We do encourage people who want to help to volunteer with or donate cash to reputable voluntary or charitable organizations. After a disaster, cash is often the best way to help as it provides the greatest flexibility for these reputable organizations working on the ground to purchase exactly what is needed.

If you encounter someone claiming to represent FEMA and asking for donations, be careful as that is likely a scam. Government employees will never solicit money.

Do the MAGA agenda folks know that so much of what they post is false? Do they care? I rarely, if ever, see them acknowledge it, even when it is pointed out. They just go ahead and post a new t falsehood. A falsehood can contain a kernel of truth, but when fact-checked, the total turns out to be false. I suppose if you only listen to certain sources and deliberately refuse to listen to anything else and never fact-check and exchange views only with like-minded folks, the conspiracy theories and alternate versions reinforce themselves in an echo chamber. Like wearing glasses with a totally wrong prescription that distorts vision and adapting to it.
The difference is Trump sells himself as an economic genius,

That is just an opinion of some on the left, - with TDS syndrome.

it is not genius to short term stimulate the economy by cutting taxes to create a huge deficit

You are arguing against your own opinion here. This is the so-called "Straw Man" argument

- and the working class got crumbs of the tax cut on their end. Only a trickle of manufacturing jobs came back.

I agree that the tax cut probably was weighted to heavily to benefit the rich. But this need to be analyzed more carefully and I simply don't have tie to do my own analysis. I wouldn't hold it against anyone to question the engineering of Trump's tax cut. On the other hand, when the Democrats spend taxes to help illegal migrants they let cross the border - who cause more damage than they cost in taxes, that is clearly egregious. I can question the efficacy of Trumps policies, but argue there is absolutely no efficacy to Democrat policies - which are on the contrary quite damaging to the country's economy. Case in point the current bankrupt status of FEMA in the face of Helene and now it appears a fresh new hurricane disaster in Florida.

Obama had a reason for an economic stimulant because he took over when the financial markets and housing market was close to collapse -thanks to Buhs, another Republican fiasco )

And Obama was disingenuous in utilizing the funds from that "stimulas".

Trump took over a rebounding economy after Obama did the heavy lifting to rebuild it over 8 years.

That is a matter of opinion. Obama was a skippy, a retard - that is my opinion. He did absolutely nothing brilliant. He was a sloppy, lazy slob, - that is my opinion.
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