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Ignore Forums and Threads

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I promise you won't hurt my feelings on ignore.
When I was a child, my feelings got hurt on ignore. I am not a child anymore.

If you don't want me, I guarantee you I don't want you.

I see it as double gift. I give you a gift and you give me a gift.
I promise you won't hurt my feelings on ignore.
I place no one on Ignore , if I want to ignore something or someone, I do not have to respond to them. It's as easy as that :)
Snowflakes is highly offensive and now they have all placed you on ignore. UC you need to change your AKA as Lonely Boy :)
Too bad for them....
I don't have them on ignore....
I don't need them to respond to my posts and/or back to me....
Then they have no reason to whine....

The ironic part....
My initial response to Kitarkus in HUD BIAS thread was meant as a compliment as I agreed with....
For what ever reason he didn't take it that way and decided to attack me by slamming me for my tagline....
By saying something about "anger"....
Some forumites just are so sensitive....
Oh well, win some lose some....
Who wins the Placed on Ignore List-? Fess up and let us all know who and what threads are on Ignore Lists should a poll be started :)
The ironic part....
My initial response to Kitarkus in HUD BIAS thread was meant as a compliment as I agreed with....
For what ever reason he didn't take it that way and decided to attack me by slamming me for my tagline....
By saying something about "anger"....
Some forumites just are so sensitive....
Oh well, win some lose some....
Maybe it was a stray shot. He attacked me a few months ago, I can't remember what it was about, probably something really important like my opinion of the federal reserve or unsupported fireplace adjustments. One of the worst attacks I experienced here was about 15-20 years ago and it was for what was posted by someone else in the post directly above mine. When I pointed it out, it only made the situation worse.
Who wins the Placed on Ignore List-? Fess up and let us all know who and what threads are on Ignore Lists should a poll be started :)
I currently have no one on ignore. I engage it only on occasion. During more peaceful times in here it used to be fun to inform someone they were on ignore and observe their reaction.
It's a narcissist meter of sorts. :)
I have been attacked so many times I cannot count but I am sure I have done the same to a few. It was really bad in the great mortgage meltdown.
I can honestly say I've never put anyone on ignore.....mainly because you can't make snarky comments if you can't see their posts
Isn't that half of the fun....
1/2 receive a snarky post....
1/2 respond with a snarky post....

Interesting thing is that if too many forumites agree with one another someone will post....
Get a room or kumbaya or whatever.... :LOL:
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