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Improper Appointment To The Ncab Again

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After further research, I found that there are two other members less than 50 miles apart, two others 35 miles and two more less than 30 miles apart. As I stated earlier, I'll choose to worry about more important things.
Honesty, ethics and knowing the laws, rules, guidelines are THE most important things to me....in appraisal and in life.

First of all only the FIVE governor appointments are subject to the LAW that requires geographic diversity. The Speaker of the House and the President pro tem of the Senate are not subject to those restrictions.

Why is that in our state law? Is it there for a very good reason or their just to be ignored? Those who think the law is wrong should to work to have it changed.

I have not lost one minutes sleep over this. This is very important to me because it concerns ethics. ETHICS is the very backbone of USPAP and good appraisal practice. When Hector knew and the restrictions and should never have applied for the seat. When he accepted a seat outside of the confines of the law, he sends a message. The message is that it is OK to pick and choose what parts of the law he will comply with. As an appraiser I don't get to pick and choose what parts of USPAP, NC 93E or the NCAB Rules I will comply with. I try my best to follow the law...even if I disagree. I believe that most people do the same. Frankly, I don't want to see board members who are not the most honest and ethical choices available. There are some appraisers who now feel they were "cheated” out of an appointment they had applied for.

This primary issue is about honesty and ethics. The intent of the law was to spread appointments all around the state. I have yet to hear anyone give a decent reason as to why geographic diversity should not be complied with.

This is not about being smart, geographically COMPETENT, a nice guy, organizational membership or anything else. None of those are required for the job.
After further research, I found that there are two other members less than 50 miles apart, two others 35 miles and two more less than 30 miles apart. As I stated earlier, I'll choose to worry about more important things.

I find it curious that you don't "choose to worry about" this (and maybe it is much ado about nothing) and yet you strongly advocate for appraisers' fees to be separate from AMC fees on HUD-1 forms.

Strongly enough that I conceded to your point of view.

Is it only about the $ for you?

I'll admit that it is about the $ for me, but not always only about the $.

Just about now you're probably irritated with me, so take a moment before you hit the "post reply" button. :) :peace:

Geographically diverse. NC has three distinct geographic areas. Mountains, Piedmont, Coast . Some folks from the mountains, some the piedmont, some the coast. It does not say that they are required to be equidistant from one another or that 2 or more can't be from the same area.
No UCB, I have no reason to be concerned about this issue. As Rex pointed out, there are three distinct regions of NC. The fact that two are from the same city or two from 50 miles apart does not concern me. USPAP is being obtuse about this geographic point (which I consider to have been met) and is ignoring the point he brings out. Most appointments are based on the "old boys" club and not necessary from a diverse set of individuals. That is my concern and one that he generally brings up. His positions are not new to me nor do I always disagree.

To any applicant who feel they have been cheated out of this appointment, I would say using this geographic argument is a weak point.
No it does not say that you can't have two board members from the same city. Why should it? How can having two board members in the same city be geographically diverse? It can't be. Do you think this was the intent of the law? If so please tell me why this is a part of the law>

"Members appointed by the Governor shall be appointed from geographically diverse areas of the State." This law is likely going to be changed to appointment by House or Senate districts to put an end to this nonsense.

Many if not most people want "their guy” elected or appointed to offices. Folks tend to start out with that premise. Other start out with the premise of “does this person meet the qualifications and requirements of the position". I am one of those folks. If you are not you are not qualified....I can't support you.

It is senseless for me to try and debate folks who don't know the law, won't read the laws, can't apply the law with common sense and can’t grasp that other qualified and suitable people have no chance at an appointment when others are willing to take it away from them at any cost.

So Rex I guess that you believe that 2 board members from the same town is fair, honest and makes sense........ A city of 112,000 in a state of 9.9 MILLION residents?

I am still hoping just one honest appraiser will say....."I don't give a **** about the law. This guy is a buddy of mine. He is smart, well-educated and experienced. Laws are made to be twisted, turned or broken". When I hear that I will know a man that tells the truth and has no ethics."

Geographically diverse. NC has three distinct geographic areas. Mountains, Piedmont, Coast . Some folks from the mountains, some the piedmont, some the coast. It does not say that they are required to be equidistant from one another or that 2 or more can't be from the same area.
You do realize that the "coast" is MAYBE 1/4 of the area of trhe state.
So under your view, the appointees must be 50, 100, 150 miles apart? What is it? What is your definition of geographically diverse? Given three geographic areas in NC, do you require 3 of the 9 in one of each of the 3 areas? How far apart within the geographic area? Sorry Bob, but this dog won't hunt. Pick a better battle, or some folks will start to see a Quioxtic nature to all you say.
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