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Increase in insurance

Isn't typical Texas home bigger like 5,000 sf?
We have all sizes of homes in Texas, but yes we can get a much larger home than in California for less price. My home is 3550 sf and home insurance has more than doubled (2.5x) in the past three years.
We have all sizes of homes in Texas, but yes we can get a much larger home than in California for less price. My home is 3550 sf and home insurance has more than doubled (2.5x) in the past three years.
A home your size easily over $2 million around here.
2.5X is outrageous. Good thing CA insurance board keeps insurance companies from gouging home owners.
I just heard homeowner insurance rates will need to be increased on the order of 30% to bail out the ridiculous California Fair Plan, whose solvency is shaky at best after the preventable recent wildfires in So Cal. It just gets better and better in this progressive hell-hole.
I just called State Farm to see how much for my home insurance.
The rep said State Farm hasn't been making new home insurance here in past 2 years. WTF.
I can't even shop around for low premiums.
You already have the lowest premium, you cheap bast*rd. Thank your leftie voting for bringing it to you in person. Stupid is as stupid does. I hope you appreciate next years bill. Is calif still burning up those low premiums.
I just called State Farm to see how much for my home insurance.
The rep said State Farm hasn't been making new home insurance here in past 2 years. WTF.
I can't even shop around for low premiums.
Constant whining about the Marxist Socialist rules/laws in your 'paradise' but you keep voting them in. The same fools that you'd prefer run the entire country.

Insurance is called a 'shared risk' program. You get to pay via your insurance for the damage from all of the wild fires and your geniuses in charge won't allow insurance companies to increase premiums to reflect the true risk. That's why insurance companies are leaving the state and not writing new policies. Are you really so dumb you can't figure that out? Quit whining and enjoy the weather; at least that's free, unless CA has figured out how to tax it.
Constant whining about the Marxist Socialist rules/laws in your 'paradise' but you keep voting them in. The same fools that you'd prefer run the entire country.

Insurance is called a 'shared risk' program. You get to pay via your insurance for the damage from all of the wild fires and your geniuses in charge won't allow insurance companies to increase premiums to reflect the true risk. That's why insurance companies are leaving the state and not writing new policies. Are you really so dumb you can't figure that out? Quit whining and enjoy the weather; at least that's free, unless CA has figured out how to tax it.
Then why are GOP, MAGAs, and Trump against Obamacare?
Because it is too expensive and poor insurance in many areas. Have you ever had a HMO?
Yeah but many health insurance companies would not give many people insurance period without obamacare and then hospitals, sick people, etc would go broke because they could not get health insurance period.

Some health insurance is better than no health insurance. Give me what congress has until I reach medicare age.
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