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Increase in insurance

Tradition is husband gets first dance and You Sir can dance with your baby next, then your wife. Comprende?
I wanted first dance but they say tradition is bride and groom get first dance so I let them be first.
The best new father/daughter dance came out several months ago by Riley Roth called "Give Me Away".
Given time constraint, I will only dance 1 min 25 sec to this song. Oh well.
I know. Health insurance is same way. You have a wedding to prepare for. You better look sharp when you dance with your daughter first and wife next. Remember who carried that little girl.
One of the best benefits in being married is that an appraiser can get health insurance benefits from the working spouse. Thank you wife.
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One of the best benefits in being married is that an appraiser can get health insurance benefits from the working spouse. Thank you wife.
You definitely should not do early social security then. Your about my age. Wait until you get 65. You don't need medicare.

My health insurance sucks. Huge deductible and don't cover much. Trump says he has something much better. I have not seen the much better part yet. LOL

New thread. You made me do it. LOL
You definitely should not do early social security then. Your about my age. Wait until you get 65. You don't need medicare.
What if my younger spouse income is significantly higher than mine. I get it early at 62 and when she retires I get her SS amount.
We had a tornado warning storm blow through this morning around 5am. I fully expect roofers to be banging on my door for the next few days offering "free roof inspections" despite the no soliciting sign on my door. It happens 2-4 times every spring.
Back in 2018 our church roof got hit and a Hispanic roofer got on the roof the next day and covered the missing shingles with temporary patches. Left his calling card in the door. We got his bid and a bid from another roofer I knew. The second guy was about $600 cheaper (that's not much but on a $16,000 job I guess about as good as you get.) Well, when done it was the first roofer doing the job subbed out by the second. I wondered if that wasn't kind of a game plan between the local builders all along.
called "Give Me Away".
...but so many keep coming back. :unsure:
Having children is expensive especially with my auto insurance.
My college daughter is costing me over $400 extra surcharge for being a young driver.
I got another renewal increase for one of my property.
It's only 10% increase. I'm happy that it wasn't more.
Having children is expensive especially with my auto insurance.
My college daughter is costing me over $400 extra surcharge for being a young driver.
My increase was $25 a month for daughter, was in college. Better to have her on. Driving for a while, she then creates a minor car accident involving two other cars. It was a minor $15,000 damage to my car? However, had the air bag system gone off, the car would be considered totaled. Interesting fact learned from collision person. The air bag going off is a $10,000 cost itself to repair. So if added to the damage, most then are considered totaled.
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What if my younger spouse income is significantly higher than mine. I get it early at 62 and when she retires I get her SS amount.
Totally incorrect. It is obvious that you do little of your own research and rely mostly on what you think others who are not experts in the field. As many have said about your lack of knowledge regarding taxes, before making a major move you need to talk with an expert in the appropriate field to inform you of the actual rules, regulations and laws.

First everyone keeps talking about pulling full SS at 65, but I hate to tell you if you are currently younger than 65 you will not be able to draw your full SS until 67. Medicare still kicks in at 65 and be sure to sign up a couple of months before turning 65, unless you are covered by one or more of the limited number of exceptions.
After the baby boomers age time frame, not fernando's age, the death spouse ss transferring to the existing spouse is not in effect anymore.
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