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Is anyone going to Orlando June 5-7?

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I'll be happy to join the party on Monday night...but no alcoholic drinks for moi...I live too close (a bit over an hour) to stay on "property" so I'll be driving back and forth.

BTW...anyone else get the e-mail to take MsKissock's CE classes on Friday or Saturday? For the Floridians, they are offering the 3 hours law update and 7 hour USPAP on Friday. Maybe we can start the party early. :new_popcornsmiley: :new_all_coholic:
Chris Colston said:
I'll be happy to join the party on Monday night...but no alcoholic drinks for moi...I live too close (a bit over an hour) to stay on "property" so I'll be driving back and forth.


Chris, Chris, Chris... don't you know that's why our corporate P&L has a dedicated line item for "Cab fares for drunk customers"? Really, if we can fix Aurora, we can get you home. ;-)

Dave Biggers
a la mode, inc.
I swear, that Dave is a hell of a guy. I'll be needing transportation to and from the conference. Can you send a cab to NC? :new_all_coholic:
dbiggers said:
Chris, Chris, Chris... don't you know that's why our corporate P&L has a dedicated line item for "Cab fares for drunk customers"? Really, if we can fix Aurora, we can get you home. ;-)

Dave Biggers
a la mode, inc.

A cab to get me home would be wonderful thing, are they gonna pick me up for the next morning session, too? Ya see, my car will be in the Contemporary parking lot if the cab gets me home. :icon_smile:
OK - since I am the one that brought the subject up, I'll take the initiative and set the agenda:

Sand Bar - 6:00pm, June 5 (it's by the pool and outdoors)

In case of rain, they suggested the Outer Rim Lounge, on the 4th Floor.

What does everyone think? Sound OK? I'll be the stunningly beautiful old lady holding a glass of merlot. I guess we'll all have our "name tags" or something from the convention. I met a few people in Orlando - hope I remember them. Frank won't be there, as I think he will be out of town. I'm an oldtimer to the Forum, but don't get a chance to post much these days (untill now that it is slowed down for me!)
Try my idea that I had for Valuation 2005 in Las Vegas (which went over like a lead balloon). If you are a poster to the Appraisal Forum have a blue ribbon tied to your name tag. I made about a hundred ribbons tied to pins for attendees in LV to pin to their name tags. Blue for Appraisers Forum, white for NAIFA and red for AI forums. But I made them too small, used gift wrapping ribbon, and not too many people picked them up. If I ever do something like that again--I will use a wider ribbon and make bigger bows.
I am not above shouting out "Appraisers Forum people over here!"

Perhaps someone could wear a sign (readable by those who need glasses) saying Appraisers Forum. Somehow we found each other in Orlando. Pam, Frank and I already knew each other, so that helped!
Frank will be "on the road" with FREAB.

Judy, ya might want to post something in the FLORIDA section. Don't know how many non-conference participants are reading this thread (besides Tim). Heck I'll wear a blue bow....I'll wear a pink sombero :new_shocked:if I have to, in order for the folks from "Wayne's World" to find us. I think if Dave Biggers is still reading this, we can find each other by finding him with the Mickey Mouse ears.
i'm a non conference participant who can read.........................i'm just going to carry my aurora wrapper so i can partake in some of dave's free fufu..............:laugh: :laugh:
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