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Let’s Get This Signed And Out There Please

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Maybe some find valor in having suffered through all of that. For me, I was very happy to take my toys and apply them in a different segment of this industry.

I'm sure you did,
and that's why the rat pack showed up on the scene as soon as I posted after you.



Appraisers need to see patterns.

Those that don't appraise, just lose that skill.

I'm glad we all came together for this one. I got an email from appraisalbuzz, mel black, all of the educator schools, software providers, the AI, and from every state PAC.

We all have been contacting our senators and legislators on this subject on hybrid appraisals and how avms may replace 60,000 appraisers.


Well I take some of it back?

Just got this email:
Appraisal Institute Joins 17 Groups Opposing Credit Union Administration’s Proposed Action
CHICAGO (Dec. 4, 2018) – The nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers joined 17 other organizations Monday in saying it “strongly opposed” the National Credit Union Administration’s plan to reduce the number of non-residential real estate loans requiring appraisals.

The Appraisal Institute said it opposed the NCUA’s proposal to quadruple – from $250,000 to $1 million – the appraisal threshold for non-residential real estate loans. The appraisal threshold is the loan amount below which appraisals are not required. Increasing the threshold would drastically increase the number of non-residential real estate loans that would not require an appraisal.

Saying it was “deeply concerned,” the Appraisal Institute’s letter cautioned the NCUA that its proposal could recreate conditions that led to the housing market meltdown of the late 2000s. “The proposed rule is written purely through the lens of regulatory relief – not safety and soundness. It ignores the fact that the United States suffered through a financial crisis less than a decade ago,” the letter said. “If anything, the current market conditions beg for heightened due diligence by regulated institutions today – not a loosening of a fundamental risk management activity. “
[QUOTE="Phil McDonald, post: 2880622, member: 69093"]
am not sure what little story I made up. I simply pointed out the fact that appraisers were crying and complaining about undue influence and circulating petitions and talking about forming unions so tgat somebody in the world would come in and protect them. We got HVCC and everything that followed as a result.

To me this looks like the same thing. Appraisers signing petitions so that they will once again be protected from something. Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it and it will come with strings and conditions and when that happens just remember that you stood in line and bought a ticket to take that ride.
I am sure that I did disappear from the forum when this industry got destroyed. I abandoned residential appraising for a decade and just did commercial appraising and brokerage.
Maybe some find valor in having suffered through all of that. For me, I was very happy to take my toys and apply them in a different segment of this industry.[/QUOTE]

I...me...I...I...I...I ...You..."General" Appraiser. ..."might just get it & IT will come with strings & conditions".
Sounds like "You = I & me" got lucky. "" I " abandoned residential ... "

Since you abandoned ...for 10 years, perhaps You=I&me may not be thought of as a "professional on the REAL World of "Residential" Appraisal. Perhaps, you reside where you have felt NO impact, why bother to post?

Since YOU've been gone : IT has definitely evolve WITH strings & conditions.

The HVCC DID HAPPEN, So did Frank & Them.
THIS HAS BEEN evolving for YEARS & years.
If one looks in ALL of the dusty dark corners = there has been change to about everything about residential appraising just not for the Better.
Duuuuhhhh: News including FAKE news can have a profound impact on the future.
There is NO disclosure to the BORROWERS where the $$$ for an appraisal service REALLY goes but NEWS says the cost of an Appraisal is TOO HIGH and something must be done !!
The only raise (cost increase) has gone to the AMC, fun fact!

Please do not CONFUSE "caring & giving a S#@T TO ...crying and complaining. I continue to..do my part or as best that I can. So have many ...tiny voices, like mine. So what's the harm in trying?

Example: Back in the dust : Big Gov = NO handle ...not even a brain cell...on the Outcome of AMCs gone WILD. They meant a Third Party Orderer = no skin in the game...even over in the corner on the same floor where the loan originator sits... which really meant nothing...no real change to business as usual but Big Banks saw it as a way to get a kick-back via AMC .
Big Gov let it happen. There was no "committee" to look into the impact. LOOK now!
Appraiser Rotation & so forth, joke. Appraiser's citywide having NO knowledge of whats happening beyond their office address... 10 miles.
The STACK of STIPS & crap IS thick. It comes & goes...but it IS evolving.

Pick pick Picking it apart USE of "term" Hybrids & how OK it is to use this form of valuing property.
2017 chat & 2018's use of (rural or no appraiser) WaiverS IS now Happening & NOT BY the "reason for it's birthing Intended USE " = ABUSE
Anyway...NOT going INTO that A-g-a-i-n...
One or two or three chats about "residential appraising change" may not matter ...how many different negative residential appraising chats ...chatted about all at once... to the Politicians of Change does it take to become Real News? Appraiser's have NO VOICE in BIG GOV.

Again where it does not impact you, terrific. So GO do something else besides " pat yourself on the back for going away for 10 years" & then say what? Not much, YOU SIR have not evolved.

Guess I am just saying...YOUR post said nothing to me except YOU took YOUR toys and went away.
Whewww ...feel better...thanks AF.
Well I take some of it back?

Just got this email:
Appraisal Institute Joins 17 Groups Opposing Credit Union Administration’s Proposed Action
CHICAGO (Dec. 4, 2018) – The nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers joined 17 other organizations Monday in saying it “strongly opposed” the National Credit Union Administration’s plan to reduce the number of non-residential real estate loans requiring appraisals.

The Appraisal Institute said it opposed the NCUA’s proposal to quadruple – from $250,000 to $1 million – the appraisal threshold for non-residential real estate loans. The appraisal threshold is the loan amount below which appraisals are not required. Increasing the threshold would drastically increase the number of non-residential real estate loans that would not require an appraisal.

Saying it was “deeply concerned,” the Appraisal Institute’s letter cautioned the NCUA that its proposal could recreate conditions that led to the housing market meltdown of the late 2000s. “The proposed rule is written purely through the lens of regulatory relief – not safety and soundness. It ignores the fact that the United States suffered through a financial crisis less than a decade ago,” the letter said. “If anything, the current market conditions beg for heightened due diligence by regulated institutions today – not a loosening of a fundamental risk management activity. “

Great that AI took a stand for it's Commercial Members. "non-residential real estate loans requiring appraisals."
Great that AI took a stand for it's Commercial Members. "non-residential real estate loans requiring appraisals."

For decades AI has done the same for each and every attempt to limit appraisals--residential and commercial.
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I’ll bet anybody $1 at least one AI member signed the petition. Can I parlay that bet? Takers?

The principle is why. I can’t lose. Don’t let me suck you in. Lol

Have to look at national interests . Way beyond “that is not my client”. I could roll on and on relative to different interests that are not in favor of public trusts. Ask me.
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Below from the Ann O Rourke email- not a political issue, lol.

Proposed appraisal threshold increases keep coming - both residential and commercial !!

House Republicans Push to Ease Property Appraisal Rules Before Giving Democrats Control
Verification of Real Estate Values Would Drop by More Than Half Under Proposal
Source: Costar

Republicans in Congress and U.S. financial regulators are proposing to ease appraisal rules for real estate sales financed by credit unions, prompting critics to warn the move could recreate some conditions that fueled the financial crisis more than a decade ago.

The proposals are part of a larger push by the Republican leadership in the House, which will hand over control to the Democrats next month, to roll back financial industry regulations while the GOP is still in charge in that chamber. The National Credit Union Administration is accepting comments until midnight on Monday on its plan to increase the threshold for nonresidential sales to $1 million, which it said would boost the portion of sales not requiring an appraisal to two-thirds of all transactions from 27 percent. About 210,000 commercial property transactions were valued at $1 million or less in 2017, according to CoStar data.
Below from the Ann O Rourke email- not a political issue, lol.

Proposed appraisal threshold increases keep coming - both residential and commercial !!

House Republicans Push to Ease Property Appraisal Rules Before Giving Democrats Control
Verification of Real Estate Values Would Drop by More Than Half Under Proposal

Source: Costar

Republicans in Congress and U.S. financial regulators are proposing to ease appraisal rules for real estate sales financed by credit unions, prompting critics to warn the move could recreate some conditions that fueled the financial crisis more than a decade ago.

The proposals are part of a larger push by the Republican leadership in the House, which will hand over control to the Democrats next month, to roll back financial industry regulations while the GOP is still in charge in that chamber. The National Credit Union Administration is accepting comments until midnight on Monday on its plan to increase the threshold for nonresidential sales to $1 million, which it said would boost the portion of sales not requiring an appraisal to two-thirds of all transactions from 27 percent. About 210,000 commercial property transactions were valued at $1 million or less in 2017, according to CoStar data.

Your a charm. Ann is too. Lol

It ain’t funny though. It has special interests written all over it.
I am not a historian and correct me if i am wrong but didn't EappraiseIt write the HVCC?
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