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Let’s Get This Signed And Out There Please

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I didn't know that the HVCC created AMCs. I remember AMCs from the 90's.....and prior to that.

IN my Area or IN my mind: I do as well & less than 5. Then: they were a Third Party Ordering Service that did not take a FEE CUT off my Fair & Reasonable Fee Quote or Fee Schedule. Greenlink comes to mind...then so does Wachovia.

Didn't know George & Mike were supporters of the HVCC. :sad: Were they appraiser's back then too?
What happened ...why?
Before this thread goes off the rail.
send an email or make a phone call to every PAC or appraisal association in the US.
They have emails for most appraisers for their state. Here is one: https://www.ncpac.us/
Aother one:

Ok, signed sealed delivered. Trump comment ...it won't hurt his feelings OVER appraiser urgency in getting the word out. Whether or not the site in entirety does this for a living, I don't care more than I care about the importance of spreading the word. Other than..just hear on this (wonderful) Forum.

I wish we had a mass email set up for issues like this.....most appraisers are in the dark.

Like that very much....IN the dark & want to be IN the dark OR not recognize that it IS Getting DARK. I'll see what I can find out about a MASS MAILING that already has all-most state(s) NC-SC email addresses.
...humm even a CE provider WOULD have that list. Hey in your area ...how about (attorney)??? MEL
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NOPE- The minute I saw politics and the Presidents name on this I new it was just another stupid petition that is going to end up in the basement where some government bureaucrat will shred and destroy the documents. In my opinion this was not well thought out and is preying on appraisers emotions.

How many bad ideas have to be forwarded by these knucklehead organizations before appraisers wake up and realize they just keep on screwing themselves.

Here Are A Few of The Wonderful Ideas Appraisers Have Supported .

1-Appraiser Independence- NOW We Are Dependent On AMC's
2-HVCC- Now The Rules Are Managed By AMC's
3- Dodd- Frank- Gave Us Customary & Reasonable- C & R Is Determined By Your AMC.
4- Don't Collect Your Fee Directly From The Borrower Or User-The AMC Collects For You .
Didn't know George & Mike were support the HVCC. :sad: Were they appraiser's back then too?
What happened ...why?

When HVCC went on the drawing Board There were certain entities vying for control and jockeying for position - the objective was control of the IVPI

References here



For example;

The CRN would like to be considered to be the industry knowledge base advisory source to OFHEO going forward on collateral valuation matters. Best Practices needs to be developed around many of the processes. The regulatory environment needs to be simplified. The GSEs need to examine their own structural integrity.

Market data analysis by OFHEO, in its current form, is not productive in the development of an appraisal. Existing forms of open source real estate information and appraisal data standards with MISMO (Mortgage Industry Maintenance Organization www.mismo.org) and OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium www.opengeospatial.org), need to be explored and embraced for the repository infrastructure and B2B in ways that will dramatically increase efficiency, reduce cost and ultimately benefit the consumer.

Appraisal forms need to be re-examined. There are a host of issues that are pivotal to the valuation community that need to be addressed to avoid the next global real estate meltdown. We would like to be part of the solution to avoid the next crisis.

In conclusion the Collateral Risk Foundation should be established to be that entity to be the independent, custodian of the appraisal process. A holistic solution serving all stakeholders would set us on the right path for returning confidence in the markets for consumers as well as investors.


So the meltdown came and went and the Hybrids have arrived on the scene.

Mission accomplished- Consider yourselves “re-engineered”
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Yeah but, maybe they have a point?

Wasn't that about the same time the owner of the CRN was still claiming designated appraiser status, even though that license and designation had been gone many years before?

I could swear I remember several threads about it.

Not to worry, the new game plan has been laid.

Expect multiple new threads from newbies and former forumites with the theme that unions are bad and hybrids are good.

But regardless to whether anyone thought, or think the HVCC was good, or not, one singular truth still holds.

If appraisers had refused to work for the AMCs, it would have went away on it's own. And that, did not happen.


The Ivory tower now seeks to see most appraisers will have no work, and most property owners in the country will have to accept whatever the quasi-private corporations tell them their property is "worth", with seasonal adjustments, of course.

Sign the petition and don't play petty politics.


Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Federal Government and State Attorneys General Reach $25 Billion Agreement with Five Largest Mortgage Servicers to Address Mortgage Loan Servicing and Foreclosure Abuses

$25 Billion Agreement Provides Homeowner Relief & New Protections, Stops Abuses

... includes a $1 billion resolution of a separate investigation into fraudulent and wrongful conduct by Bank of America and various Countrywide entities related to the origination and underwriting of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured mortgage loans, and systematic inflation of appraisal values concerning these loans, from Jan. 1, 2003 through April 30, 2009. Payment of $500 million of this $1 billion will be deferred to partially fund a loan modification program for Countrywide borrowers throughout the nation who are underwater on their mortgages. This investigation was conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, with the Civil Division’s Commercial Litigation Branch of the Department of Justice, HUD and HUD-OIG. The settlement also resolves an investigation by the Eastern District of New York, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) and the Federal Housing Finance Agency-Office of the Inspector General (FHFA-OIG) into allegations that Bank of America defrauded the Home Affordable Modification Program.


Yup, not a union in the group, well, unless you consider government employee's unions.

Sign the petition
don't play petty politics over a major issue that truly is "across the aisle".

Gotta love this Forum ! and in this Forum ...much of what... is mindfully stated is sad but true... A FACT.
And here it lies...on this Forum...over-and-over. I never tire of reading what IS also my opinion.
That said, IF there is an "outside" chance that a Blog or a Petition could get the WORD out to ...
say...the borrowers or AN ear that matters IN MASS then I see NO harm in the attempt.
Otherwise, I still will read this Forum and here we shall stay with all of our good points, circling history.

Post: Here Are A Few of The Wonderful Ideas Appraisers Have Supported

I did never "agree or support" ...any of that OR that AMCs were good.
What & when in mass have we ever been "ask" to agree TO...? No one ever contacted me.

AMCs have taken over and like it or not play a LARGE part of the GO TO ordering system now the norm' across the USA. Then there is Mercury, I think now owned by Corelogic.

I don't think 100% of lenders that use..AMCs even know HOW much of our Fee is taken -stolen by use of an AMC. I do know borrowers DON'T know how much of the cost of an Appraisal is going elsewhere...TO the AMC.
There is NO disclosure that breaks down "the cost of an appraisal".
The only fee breakdown disclosure is in States that mandate it be disclosed "in the report". Well, BIG deal.

I DO know recently read that FED states the appraisal process has gotten too costly & the time it takes...is TOO long. We appraiser's know ...that is FAKE NEWS.

Rant: Also, I have taken personal attacks from A spy here on this Forum informing my client that... left me without THAT client and may I say it was for a valid reason that I reached out for help & "opinions" of how to handle an AMC situation.

Off Rant: So, to me I don't have to 100% agree with every point made on the petition. If there are better immediate venues, let me know and I will be happy to participate.
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Question: After you sign this, do they ask you for money?
Question: After you sign this, do they ask you for money?

Yep, no biggy. It is a petition site and perhaps even a blogger. I donate to ALS.
To point, contact NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX. Appraisal Board won't help, tried. Least it is something better than nothing.
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