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Letter From FNMA 'Baptist' can't be in report...

Let me stir up the hornets a little bit with a rhetorical question.

For those so easily willing to adhere to the ever-growing 'no no' lists of words not to use, will you also comply when we are told HOW to select comparables so as to not be biased against a particular group? It's coming. It may be delayed with a Trump administration, but what if Dems had won?

It's hard to be non-biased when others can tell you how to think. You simply inherit their biases.
Let me stir up the hornets a little bit with a rhetorical question.

For those so easily willing to adhere to the ever-growing 'no no' lists of words not to use, will you also comply when we are told HOW to select comparables so as to not be biased against a particular group? It's coming. It may be delayed with a Trump administration, but what if Dems had won?

It's hard to be non-biased when others can tell you how to think. You simply inherit their biases.
Already kind of inching in the door when HUD brings in a sociologist to tell us we are racist for using land as a factor in the appraisal. They are looking for an excuse to take you out, rather than actual perpetrators.
I'm 50/50 on this issue.

I disagree with the OP. Just say college

When the subject is located next to burger King, I use fast food restaurant or restaurant. I do not say buger king.

Some of the changes I do like is the removal of "close proximity". Let's be honest, when living in anytown USA and canned comment country....what does close proximity mean? Now the require an actual distance. I agree.

Market appeal was my go to word. I stole it from fannies selling guide. I no longer use it. Not a big deal.

Schools. This one rubs me. Facts are facts. Number one driver of value in my market.

Church or places of worship. Sure, I can just say commercial building, but is there a marketability difference between a Church and a fast food place, a junk yard? Traffic? Noise difference? Does just saying commercial good enough?

UWs look at aerial maps when reviewing appraisals. Are the GSEs going to come up with blurring technology when looking at maps...it has first baptist church right there on the map? Or are the GSEs going to require third party inspectors to view the maps for the UWs to avoid any bais?
Let me stir up the hornets a little bit with a rhetorical question.

For those so easily willing to adhere to the ever-growing 'no no' lists of words not to use, will you also comply when we are told HOW to select comparables so as to not be biased against a particular group? It's coming. It may be delayed with a Trump administration, but what if Dems had won?

It's hard to be non-biased when others can tell you how to think. You simply inherit their biases.
You let me know when they get to asking for the lie by omission about property location or attributes, because "verbiage" isn't it.

If they want to use a different definition of value that speaks to these social justice/ inheritable wealth issues then that doesn't represent any threat to the role of the appraiser. Say what we do then do what we say.

If they want add a secondary valuation scenario to appraisal assignments which ignores the actions of the buyers and sellers in the market then that's fine, too.
Let me stir up the hornets a little bit with a rhetorical question.

For those so easily willing to adhere to the ever-growing 'no no' lists of words not to use, will you also comply when we are told HOW to select comparables so as to not be biased against a particular group? It's coming. It may be delayed with a Trump administration, but what if Dems had won?

It's hard to be non-biased when others can tell you how to think. You simply inherit their biases.
The two are nothing alike.

Using a substitute word or not using a problem word is nowhere near the same as using the comps a lender or client tells you to use. Surely you understand the difference?
The verbiage does not impact value, but the comps selection can impact value.
Let me stir up the hornets a little bit with a rhetorical question.

For those so easily willing to adhere to the ever-growing 'no no' lists of words not to use, will you also comply when we are told HOW to select comparables so as to not be biased against a particular group? It's coming. It may be delayed with a Trump administration, but what if Dems had won?

It's hard to be non-biased when others can tell you how to think. You simply inherit their biases.
Depends on how much they pay, I guess... I can be bought - just not cheaply.
Meanwhile and IRL statues are being taken down, sports teams are choosing new mascots and team names, universities are being renamed and military installations are being renamed - and it's all happening because some people take offense at the names involved.

WRT the idea that nobody cares about the use of "Baptist" in a place name, we have some anti-theists and some political progressives on this forum who might take exception to that assumption. Disagree on your own time but when performing appraisals where your personal opinions are supposed to be invisible that is not the time to be adding fuel to the Appraisers-R-biased dumpster fire
And what if the market cares about it? The market is allowed to have biases still right? What if there is a detention facility. It could effect people differently if its juvenile, womens, high security etc. At a certain point it can diminish away from a credible appraisal or from being able to explain. So then you get two reports near different detention centers and you can't accurately explain why adjustments are different between them because they are different types of detention centers. The one you gave a larger negative adjustment tohappens to be in an area with a large minority population. Dots connected where they shouldn't connect and you can't explain it in your report or even mention the type of detention facility so its assumed its just because of your bias, and not the market.
If the market cares about it that will show up in the data, at which point we can acknowledge there is a location adjustment for the location and the proximity to this college campus.
If the market cares about it that will show up in the data, at which point we can acknowledge there is a location adjustment for the location and the proximity to this college campus.
So say two different reports two different adjusments for proximity to a campus due to size or some other factor. You made a larger adjustment to one that happened to have a larger minority population (obviously the adjustment is different because of the externality being different). You can be boned, despite your adjustment having nothing to do with the racial composition of the area.
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