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MLS statistics

Never messed with Flex, but I've thoroughly reviewed Smart Charts, and while they are interesting, I don't find them reliable for what I need. Likewise, I've messed around with the stats in Spark, which are pretty good. Ultimately though, I roll my own. It doesn't take that long and I'm able to exclude outliers that perhaps snuck in there due to false settings by agents (like water view when there's no view, etc.).
Not sure if I can express this qustion; however....I successfully rely on various Spark chartts; however in the past whenever I created my own charts, e.g., using Excel, and then downloaded PDF to desktop and then uploaded to an ACI photo or image page [with multiple cells] the charts would inevitably be truncated to display only a portion of the entire horizontal data. Any Advice?????
Never messed with Flex, but I've thoroughly reviewed Smart Charts, and while they are interesting, I don't find them reliable for what I need. Likewise, I've messed around with the stats in Spark, which are pretty good. Ultimately though, I roll my own. It doesn't take that long and I'm able to exclude outliers that perhaps snuck in there due to false settings by agents (like water view when there's no view, etc.).
Flex is just the name of my MLS and many systems of MLS run on it. The good part about using its data is we can weed it out or approach it with some skepticism. My MLS is expanding IMAP data, which includes non-MLS sales, and offering classes in it - I need to call them to see if the classes will end up in their tutorial videos.
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Seems that 72 neighborhood sales (although only 4 competing sales) would warrant/require reliance on the overall neighborhood sales rather than the compeiting sales, which warrant only a small portion of the appraiser's market analysis. Please clarify your post if possible, if I'm misunderstanding the data. Thanks very much for providing this all-too-common scenario. Regards. M
72 total sales in a 100 sq mile area. The chart uses all of those sales so I am "relying" on the overall neighborhood sales
Flex is just teh name of my MLS and many systems of MLS run on it. The good part about using its data is we can weed it out or approach it with some skepticism. My MLS is expanding IMAP data, which includes non-MLS sales, and offering classes in it - I need to call them to see if the classes will end up in their tutorial videos.
Gotta see the caveat reported in the chart legend, e.g. "Review data with skepticism." LOL. JK...
Not sure if I can express this qustion; however....I successfully rely on various Spark chartts; however in the past whenever I created my own charts, e.g., using Excel, and then downloaded PDF to desktop and then uploaded to an ACI photo or image page [with multiple cells] the charts would inevitably be truncated to display only a portion of the entire horizontal data. Any Advice?????
Try resizing the excel chart to say 75%. Play with it until you get the pdf size customized to work for you.
Not sure if I can express this qustion; however....I successfully rely on various Spark chartts; however in the past whenever I created my own charts, e.g., using Excel, and then downloaded PDF to desktop and then uploaded to an ACI photo or image page [with multiple cells] the charts would inevitably be truncated to display only a portion of the entire horizontal data. Any Advice?????

Maybe you have to print the pdf in landscape mode instead of portait mode.
Maybe you have to print the pdf in landscape mode instead of portait mode.
Nah i tried that, tried PDF, tried snippet, tried Excel, tried ACI tech support. Finally just stopped trying. So much the resourceful human spirit...
Nah i tried that, tried PDF, tried snippet, tried Excel, tried ACI tech support. Finally just stopped trying. So much the resourceful human spirit...

Hmm, there might be a "fit to page" setting the pdf print setting also.
To BRC's point, dropping the data into Excel just gives you a few more options WRT 'perking up' the chart (see below for an example). That said - what you've laid out herein is a really great starting point - and IMO would be sufficient for graphical representation of the data that you're analyzing.

View attachment 96035

It could give you very different results if you did January to December instead of February to January.

If it was January to December and the January 2024 median price was $290k then the trend would be like this.
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