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MLS statistics

View attachment 96256

If it was January to December and the January 2024 median price was $290k then the trend would be like this.
I do know what this graph represents, price per sf or price ? But relying on one month for a trend makes no sense in case it is due to just a few low sales or odd properties.
Are you still actively appraising?
I do know what this graph represents, price per sf or price ? But relying on one month for a trend makes no sense in case it is due to just a few low sales or odd properties.
Are you still actively appraising?
Funny that you can't read a basic graph with a Y-axis labeled "Price" but you are so superior to all beings that you can slander someone over your own ignorance. Typical.
Funny that you can't read a basic graph with a Y-axis labeled "Price" but you are so superior to all beings that you can slander someone over your own ignorance. Typical.

Superior as defined below:

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Create two charts. I bet they are different. They may be close but one will be utilizing some corrupt data.
I look at county, zip code, neighborhood and subject sim sales linear time chat. Yes, they can be all different. The MLS has a county graph showing a quaterly time, but if you look at each zip code in the presentation, each can be different, some up, some down, some nothing. So at least have something in your work file that shows you looked at more than your biased data and maybe there is a pattern to make your best guess. And corrupt data isn't necessarily corrupt. Can you judge 1 person by the group judgement. No, you have to look at outliers and their affect.
I look at county, zip code, neighborhood and subject sim sales linear time chat. Yes, they can be all different. The MLS has a county graph showing a quaterly time, but if you look at each zip code in the presentation, each can be different, some up, some down, some nothing. So at least have something in your work file that shows you looked at more than your biased data and maybe there is a pattern to make your best guess. And corrupt data isn't necessarily corrupt. Can you judge 1 person by the group judgement. No, you have to look at outliers and their affect.
so if the MLS data has zero used for sales price you do not think that could be considered misleading if you allow that and other incorrect inputs to be included in your conclusion(s) and or charts?

So, use the same filter (exact) for each chart you compare, pretty simple, in my opinion.
I look at county, zip code, neighborhood and subject sim sales linear time chat. Yes, they can be all different. The MLS has a county graph showing a quaterly time, but if you look at each zip code in the presentation, each can be different, some up, some down, some nothing. So at least have something in your work file that shows you looked at more than your biased data and maybe there is a pattern to make your best guess. And corrupt data isn't necessarily corrupt. Can you judge 1 person by the group judgement. No, you have to look at outliers and their affect.
possibly too esoteric for the scenario, but if/when you exclude outliers from the results of a search, do you feel that it is necessary to mention that factor in a footnote, or in the Scope of Work of the assignment--or not at all if you feel that doing so is integral to this type of research/report, consequently to be assumed by an intended user?
View attachment 96256

If it was January to December and the January 2024 median price was $290k then the trend would be like this.
This is the way to go. If one takes the MLS data and saves as a csv file - drop into excel which puts the price labels and linear trendline. Question: some consider the 90 days prior to the effective date "the current maket" Excluding the most recent 90 days would significantly change how this chart would be used for a time adjustment. Also, an extra bit of data -pending sales. How many - when closing. Why ? if i have three pending sales closing next week, this chart may look significantly different in the current period. The chart needs to be put in context before making conclusions that will be misleading. Anyone using this charting also indicating a channel that includes say 50-75% of the price points. The remainder would be the peaks and valleys subject to possible time adjustment.
This is the way to go. If one takes the MLS data and saves as a csv file - drop into excel which puts the price labels and linear trendline. Question: some consider the 90 days prior to the effective date "the current maket" Excluding the most recent 90 days would significantly change how this chart would be used for a time adjustment. Also, an extra bit of data -pending sales. How many - when closing. Why ? if i have three pending sales closing next week, this chart may look significantly different in the current period. The chart needs to be put in context before making conclusions that will be misleading. Anyone using this charting also indicating a channel that includes say 50-75% of the price points. The remainder would be the peaks and valleys subject to possible time adjustment.
Anybody know the 114MC rationale to group time periods during the previous 12 months into 3 rather than 4 groups? If not that, can somebody estimate the typical quantitative impact of disproportionate lengths of time?
Anybody know the 114MC rationale to group time periods during the previous 12 months into 3 rather than 4 groups? If not that, can somebody estimate the typical quantitative impact of disproportionate lengths of time?

I have heard it explained that it was because they didn't have enough space.
I have heard it explained that it was because they didn't have enough space.
Like a few community college students I taught decades ago, who changed font size depending upon the number of pages required....disheartening especially because of significant peer opinion that the form comes closer than any similar FNMAE tempate to an seamless solution to a complex requirement . . . reminds me to ask whether the 1004MC is acceptable from a regulatory perspective for non-lending assignments, and if so, are any caveats or explanations required????
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