New to the board, and new to appraising, so bear with me a moment.
I've been reading all the stuff I can find here on comp checks. And I've been reading through the USPAP. I fully and completely understand that doing comp checks, as defined here on this board (and in the minds of LO's, MB's, etc) is unethical and in direct violation of published laws, regulations, and standards.
My dilemma is this: How can a starting-out appraiser actually get any work without doing comp checks, when there are so many appraisers in the market that DO do them?
I want very much to be legal in my actions, and I seriously want to develop a reputation as a fair, knowledgable, ethical, and professional appraiser. This is the only way I could sleep at night with my business practices.
However, when there are so many people giving the milk away for free, how can I expect to sell my cow? I'm just starting out, so I can't afford to absorb clients turning away because I refuse to do comp checks. On the other hand, how can I keep my license if I violate ethics?
Do I have to sacrifice making a living over the issue of comp checks? I want to do things the right way, but I also want to be able to afford staying in the industry. I can see how the bigger shops can afford to take the high ground, but how does an appraiser just starting out do it and stay in business?
I am NOT advocating violating USPAP by any means. I'm just looking for a way to actually stay within guidlines AND stay in business. Or is it actually not possible for a new appraiser to do?