Jeff Booher said:
<snip>My dilemma is this: How can a starting-out appraiser actually get any work without doing comp checks, when there are so many appraisers in the market that DO do them?
However, when there are so many people giving the milk away for free, how can I expect to sell my cow? I'm just starting out, so I can't afford to absorb clients turning away because I refuse to do comp checks. On the other hand, how can I keep my license if I violate ethics?
Do I have to sacrifice making a living over the issue of comp checks?
how does an appraiser just starting out do it and stay in business?
I am NOT advocating violating USPAP by any means. I'm just looking for a way to actually stay within guidlines AND stay in business. Or is it actually not possible for a new appraiser to do?
Mr. Booher,
Ahhh lots of good questions! Welcome to the forum....
You have to step back and look hard at what is going on in the mortgage broker industry to understand all of this. My view is most of the big (more than one man or woman) mortgage shops have all gone to hiring their brokers as independent contractors. By contract they have made these IC responsible for failing to collect the appraisal fee from the borrower. Due to the intense competition, large banks and now mortgage operations too advertising the appraisal fee is "included", the borrowers of the world have gotten it in their heads they can get a loan with a free appraisal.
Now selling a borrower on your services as a IC mortgage broker it is a tough sell to get that $300 to $1,000 appraisal fee out of them. Cannot you just hear the whining borrowers?
"But Mr. Morgage Broker! XYC Bank does not charge for the appraisal! What if it my property does not appraise out... I will not get my loan and I am out all that money.. I do not have $400 for an appraisal.. I am broke, in financial trouble, and live paycheck to paycheck." ...So all the desperate IC mortgage brokers all start looking for the "Doable" deal where they can tell the borrower the fee will be put into the loan costs so the borrower does not have to "pay" it. Catch 22 time. This now leaves the IC mortgage broker personally responsible for the appraisal fee out of their commissions to the mortgage firm they are working with if the property does not have enough market value to do the loan. ... Ok? .... Now it is easy to understand all the freaking calls for "Comp Checks" .... The reality is these people really are fishing for an unspoken (or spoken for that matter) promise out of you that you will provide what they need before they will order an "Appraisal" from you. They have already checked Zillo... They have already contacted a dozen other appraisers. You might be the first one by accident.
Due to market forces, the need to sell loans, and the way mortgage brokerages run... the entire situation has been out of control for quite sometime now... I can promise you.. even if you do a ligit "Desktop" appraisal to attempt to provide the service these folks need with a full warning to them any later field appraisal could turn out completely different... if that turns out to be the case most of them will go ballistic and try and take everything you said, did, or provided out of context as if you told them you promised to hit what they needed. If you stand your ground about it they will stop using you, try not to pay you, threaten to turn you into the state, pick your field appraisal to pieces claiming you are a horrible appraiser and pound you to death with what ALL the OTHER appraisers do for them. Including claiming NONE of their OTHER appraisers charge if they can't 'hit value" and all of the OTHER appraisers know that 10 seconds after they look at the subject and call to tell them.
"You have given me a useless appraisal Mr. Appraiser!~ You knew this! Why did you finish it and not call me so I could cancel !!!!!!"
Welcome to the industry Mr. Booher! ... You are trying to start out after a prolonged period of none of the States having adequate dollars to pay for enforcement, some lenders and many brokers intentionally protecting their "Good" appraisers and weeding out the ones that had backbone, Skippy prolifically "training" newbies to commit fraud on a daily basis and the trainees not understanding this until after having been doing it for a couple of years, the trainees becoming licensed appraisers and soon thereafter getting hauled up in front of their state's appraisal board and crying out "But I was trained to do that!" whereupon the board members barf after hearing that yet again one more time... Oh yeah, and a percentage of appraisers who believe it is not polite to turn another appraiser into a state appraisal board.
What you need to accept.... Doing comp checks will not help you... because unless you intend to fall to the dark side, and hit that value whenever needed in the following field appraisal, you have only applied a short-sighted, short term bandaid to a long term problem... What I find is about all you can do is ask right off
"Can't get the appraisal fee out of the borrower huh?" then the MG replies... "errrr no...that's why I am hoping you can help me determine value before I order an appraisal." Then about all you can do is explain the facts of life and appraising to them and hope to strike it off personality wise with them.
Good Luck!
Barry Dayton