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NCAB verses Tom Hildebrandt - The case of the clueless board

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I have to confess to a pang of envy reading your post -- it is a profound expression of insight and clarity of though.

Thank you.


It has come to my attention, that while these manuvers are being done on/ at local level's, the distraction may be being done on purpose for the simple reason, down in Washington major revisions may be comming to light that will now change our proffession for ever and/or provide the basis to eliminate our work altogether.
Over the years it has always come to my attention, that distractions are necessary to "slip thru" the major issues.

Just a Thought 8)
Steve: Sounds like the CFR is at it again to me. Break out the tin foil hats with the copper grounding straps. The mother ship is orbiting the earth beaming gamma rays down again to fry our brains in anticipation of the one world government. Or so the legend goes. It must be air polution or something. Seems to be concentrated in certain areas of the country. The orbital path must pass directly over NC and Ohio.
I haven't been on the forum lately due to addiction problems with the forum. I'm trying to go cold buzzard. I had no idea you were in a rhubarb with Eastern NC politics. Jesus! I have been through some enemy fire more than once. Do you need some money to help out your cause?
Will Granger
I haven't been on the forum lately due to addiction problems with the forum. I'm trying to go cold buzzard.
Will Granger

Will I guess you have become a forumaholic. :idea: Here's the cure. Send me $10 and I will block you from viewing the forum for a month. Then at the end of your month you will be cured and can participate in the forum normally as a productive and rehabilitated Forumite! :mrgreen:

While it is rare for a "Forumite" to become a forumaholic, it is fairly common for an "AF Groupie". And when you reach "AF Evangelist" status it is almost a certainty. :idea: When we get a lot of "AF Evangelists" we will start a 12 step help program user group to help the forumaholics. Believe it or not I was debating on calling the people with over 500 posts "AF Addicts" instead of evangelists.

Now back to your serious discussions :P

Heck yes I accept money! So far it has not been too steep in out of pocket expenses, I have only spent about $5,000. Some folks have spent over $15,000 to make the board be reasonable but still got disciplined. I think I read that Steve Vertin, MAI had to spend over twice that amount in his case in Illinois.

Of course there is the lost time at work and the lost business, the lost hours of sleep. Then there is the stress of knowing you could loose your license just because our board chooses not to read USPAP and the investigators do not want to do their jobs impartially, objectively and independently.


Tom Hildebrandt GAA
I'll help. This is horribly unfortunate!!
TOM AND ALL: I am all for giving Tom and others financial support, but with a caveat for their protection. I was chairman of our church board of finance and have had some experience in helping people and know some pit falls we should all be aware of.
For example, all the time we get letters from someone soliciting funds for a real medical or related emergency. After we investigate the case we find that they have sent the same letter to every other church in the region. If they need $2,500 for an operation and every church sent them $500, they would end up with $50,000 in their pocket. For that reason, we throw all broadcast request for help in file 513.
In situations like this, you need accountability. There needs to be a person or group to receive, account for, and disperse the funds. This is not meant to question your integrity Tom, it is to protect you. Remember the IRS. You think you have problems now? You ain't seen nothing yet. People need to know how much is owed, how much was collected, how much was paid, and where the remainder went. This board would be a good avenue for that purpose.
We could appoint a person to collect and handle the fund and post the contributors and how much each person gave by number if not by name to insure accountability. I think many more people would contribute under this arrangement.
I don’t remember the verse, I think is Romans 3:4, says, to paraphrase, “All God's children should be accountable to somebody.” That includes government agencies. I use to read that verse at the first board meeting every year. My experience on church boards is another reason I don't trust state appraisal boards. Some people have never been in a position of authority and they tend to think they were appointed with a mandate to be God's instrument of achieving justice. These people really cause problems and I have had my problems with then in church, so you can guess what political appraisal boards must be like.
PS: We had a big blow up once on the board of finance. They did something totally unconstitutional and I called them on it. I was on the constitution review committee and put the ideas into words, so I knew what they meant. The guy that caused the problem said, "What constitution?" Not one member of that board even knew we had a church constitution much less had read it. Sound familiar? This guy was a union representive of the URW and thought the church boards were management and the congregation was labor. Rules? What rules?

Excellent comments; I understand their basis and take no offense on the ethics of this issue. The only thing worse than unaccounted funds is unsupported accusations by appraisal boards.

Steve Vertin once suggested that we create an organization to actually bird dog state regulatory agencies and their organization, ARRO. This would not be a trade group like AI, ASA, NAR, it would not provide education or designations and it would be open to all appraisers.

The group would have two primary missions. The first would be to identify problems in these regulatory bodies and to move for corrective actions in whatever means was appropriate be it locally or nationally. The second would be to review, at the request of individual members, cases where the member believed the boards were being heavy handed. If after review, the group felt the board was incorrect, the group would take action to support the individual and would also take independent action to force the "rogue board" to stop being abusive.

Perhaps this is a good topic for discussion on its own thread. I will open the thread later this afternoon.


Tom Hildebrandt GAA
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