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North, East, South and West BS stip

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if you do not know how to define your neighborhood boundaries, then perhaps get more education. This is basic appraising 101. Neighborhood is not typically the whole city.
Define the "whole city" - yes, large urban areas. Small towns of 3,000 folk? Pretty much the eclectic mix of community at large. One school (if any), one planning commission (if any). I work several counties with no towns over 4,000 population.
Read my first post. Population 2000, the total incorporated area is less than one square mile of homogeneous housing types and the nearest city is 10 miles away through the wheat fields.

there you go...use 'wheat fields' as a boundary :rof: :rof: :rof:
in this big city physical barriers can separate neighborhoods. creek to the north, river to the east, rail tracks to the south, zombies to the west.
City limits locally in my main market that I cover are huge on value. Shelby County went to the State supreme court. Shelby County had the largest public school system in the State and maybe the USA. Also have like 7 or 8 individual municipalities.

I have no problem with corporate limits being a neighborhood boundary. I agree with Dwiley on market area vs neighborhood, but he don't work Shelby County. Each individual city got their own city public school district. Some share within the jurisdictions, but that is changing slowly also.

I pay no city taxes and am in one of the only districts in the whole county (which is the largest county "geographically" in Tennessee) that is in a no annex area. I only pay County taxes.

Another jurisdiction that was in the county got annexed by Memphis and they went to the State supreme court and got de-annexed. Very rich people in that area. They didn't feel like they were better off by getting annexed.

My neighborhood boundaries don't control my opinion of value and the best comps.
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Census tract sure as He** don't control it.

Catch me Dwiley?
One of the ring leaders at the front of getting de-annexed from Memphis was black. Very rich.

Let's just say his skin was dark. I don't know his ancestors and really don't care. I just know he was rich. I know more than one in his boat.
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I appraise real property rights. I don't appraise people.
I can share this with you also. Some of the most expensive homes homes in Shelby county are located in Memphis Corporate limits. But census tracts don't touch it.
What I am trying to convey is if GSE's or whoever are basing their opinions on census tracts, then they are sadly confused.
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