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NY, FirstAM & WaMu article

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Don't cheer yet, they may throw out the appraisers with the bath water.


Well positioned appraisers are waiting for that day. It will become known as the Mother of all buying opportunities. (MOABO for Brinker listeners)

The inaccurate appraisals by some of the OCWEN vendors of the past will look like an economics doctoral thesis compared to what will "replace" them.

Snag one, replaces 150 assignments.

Oh happy day... join in.. Oh happy day
only getting the AMC the appraisal business, but more information/data to mine, and a mailing list that they could then send out marketing information to new clients from other banks to increase there business. :new_multi: :clapping:
Bingo! Now that the authorities are getting all the evidence, and testimonials, now we have letters from the ASB to get our input, the AI trying to help the profession, an all out media blitz for new members, State boards trying to look active. Yeah, those Latte's just don't taste the same anymore.
Don't cheer yet, they may throw out the appraisers with the bath water.

Cheering does not change what has already happened. That snow ball started rolling all by itself. Due to the banker/AMC's shennanigans there wont be as many appraisers in that bathtub when it does get emptied! :(
Don't forget that appraisers are still to blame. All they had to do was follow Nancy Reagan's advice.
Don't forget that appraisers are still to blame. All they had to do was follow Nancy Reagan's advice.

Most drug addicts are viewed as victims aren't they?:unsure:
They say there has been no "systematic effort" to inflate appraisals.
That's a very interesting choice of words (made, no doubt, on purpose).
I'd like to know how one defines "systematic effort" in regards to an organizational process?
Does that mean that there isn't an official organizational policy to inflate appraisals? That's probably true.
What about a non-systematic effort, however? Or a de facto effort? Or how many rogue elements in an organization does it take before the non-systematic effort evolves into a system-wide problem?
From Steve Santora:
I tend to think it means that there is a plausible line of defense that can create some low-ranking sacraficial lambs, while absolving parties further up the food chain who have the power to hire and fire lawyers from culpability.
From Ray Miller:
Has any stop to ask if maybe some of these AMCs did not go to these banks like WAMU and say: hey we can get you better values, faster turn times for less expense for you appraisal business. thus not only getting the AMC the appraisal business, but more information/data to mine, and a mailing list that they could then send out marketing information to new clients from other banks to increase there business.
Email from me about an appraiser being pressured and comment that many other things were being done that are not ethical was sent to four (4) upper level WAMU people, they sent it to eAppraiseIT, Mr. Merlo, then Pres/CEO of First American eAppraiseIT answered that email back to WAMU with a direct cc to me; first email sent 03/26/2007, email from eAppraiseIT with answer about this was on 03/01/2006. My first threat from First American eAppraiseIT/Mr. Merlo was received 03/08/07.

How is WAMU going to 'ease' these 'probes' when much more evidence was obtained via the Cuomo subpoenas AFTER my email exchange?????
Most drug addicts are viewed as victims aren't they?:unsure:
Only by the PC left wing bleeding hearts.
In case you haven't noticed, I am not one of those type. :new_all_coholic:
How is WAMU going to 'ease' these 'probes'
Pam, I am not saying it's going to work, just that the lawyers' first job is going to be to protect the boss. Their statements have to viewed in the context.
Only by the PC left wing bleeding hearts.
In case you haven't noticed, I am not one of those type. :new_all_coholic:

Neither am I, but I think were in the great minority.
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