The profound statement of the thread....the happy client today,. is the angry client tomorrow.
Actually, if someone has faced this board before, perhaps it is. Again, an ADMINISTRATIVE LAW specialist is the best equipped in general to deal with a case before an ADMINISTRATIVE board like the appraisal board.This forum is not the place to go to lawyer up.
The appraiser had 9 complaints against them by FNMA and ended up losing it due to a divorce appraisal (or were they getting divorced).I have never known a complaint filed by a private client except divorce. I know it happens, but the typical complaint according to the (now retired) board director was that 1 - mortgage lenders like FNMA, 2-Borrowers who invariably think the value is low, and 3rd on the list was divorce appraisals.
The most recent case I know of an appraiser losing their license was a divorce situation. Frankly she asked for it. And I believe our current director said they are dealing with some 9 complaints filed by FNMA. And typically they have no more than perhaps 30 complaints a year, half are dismissed out of hand.
Misinterpretation.The appraiser had 9 complaints against them by FNMA and ended up losing it due to a divorce appraisal (or were they getting divorced).
Forum not a good place for legal advice or to find an attorney-I suggest find your own and it will be very expensive so be prepared to write a big check.