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Regulator wins TAF CEO position

"It is essential that appraisers develop and communicate their analyses, opinions and conclusions to intended users of their services in a manner that is meaningful and not misleading".

I don't understand how anyone can read that and interpret it in any other way than the users are who determine what is "meaningful and not misleading" to their usage. Especially given the elaboration and clarification in the SOWR.

I also don't understand what you're going on about WRT comments about USPAP prohibiting anything you want to do that could be considered supplemental to the minimums. The material doesn't prohibit any methodology. You seem to be repeatedly making an argument to a potential prohibition of your methodology that nobody has ever suggested. Least of all me.


In any case, the point remains. The reason nobody or almost nobody will buy what you want to sell them is because they don't think it's sufficient to their usage. They may change their minds about that in the future and maybe that will happen sooner rather than later. But when they do that will be the result of THEIR decision making. Not yours' or mine or any other appraiser.
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BTW and just for clarification, the only work I've ever seen of your's was that demo that you posted on this forum. I never saw (or reviewed) the appraisal report you're referring to.
What a crock of nonsense!

If your users don't believe you, then they won't use you.
Many, if not most, sales agents are happy with any appraiser who is a reliable rubber stamp. What do the agents believe in? - A good rubber stamp.
If your users can't use your work to contribute to their decision-making, they won't use you.
Since they have already made their decision, Ditto with the above.
Your work is entirely unmarketable except to the extent your users trust you as an individual and trust that particular appraisal based on its own merits.
Trust you to do what? Rubberstamp? Rubberstamp ... Rubberstamp.

You could have the perfect value conclusion
Do you mean the perfect reliable rubber stamp?
but if your users don't understand it or suspect your professional honesty and integrity then they can't use you.
You don't say.
Leastwise, not any legitimate user.
Hmmm. What do you consider a "legitimate user?" Or are you just trying to cover your *** here?

Why have appraisers lost business to AVMs and BPOs and 3rd party data collectors and such?
Because these other avenues of valuation are cheaper and faster and provide more leeway in valuation.

Because the users don't think the advantage in reliability between what appraisers do vs what the AVMS do is sufficient to justify the additional cost and hassle of dealing with appraisers.
Nonsense. The AVM is ultra-reliable in its value output; you ask it—any time of any day, and it will give you a value you can accept or reject and go to another AVM to try for better luck. The client only goes to the appraiser if they have to.

We can call those users all the names we want but that doesn't alter the reality of who makes the decisions as to what types of valuations they think are sufficient to their usage.
Well, well, well. In most cases, the appraiser knows ALREADY what valuations they need because it is already established through practice. Yes, there are exceptions to more advanced appraisal work. But for the most part, it is Market Value, Fair Value, SCA, IA, or CA, or a mixture thereof. So, what decisions are we discussing that you keep making a big issue about? Hmmmm. Nonsense in most cases. Of course, if we, for example, get into Right of Way appraisals, how many appraisers do these types of appraisals? And really, the workflow for these is pretty much established.

That "who" isn't the appraisers and it isn't the govt and it isn't the general public; it's the users of our services; whether they're lenders or accountants or attys or a govt agency or a property owner. As in, not just the banksters.
So as much as you hate your clients and users, you still need them to continue to choose you over your competing appraisers.

You still need them to continue to choose appraisals over their other alternatives, even if at the lesser percentage in their transactions. It's far more difficult for an appraiser to replace a good client than it is for that client to replace an appraiser.
You would make a better car salesman. Really. Maybe we need a new term "car salesman appraiser."

That's why trying to fight them at every turn is counterproductive to your personal interests.
Of course. But whose fault is that? It is because appraisers lack a solid appraisal standard to protect them from indscriminant retribution - often from other appraisers who have become insane over the years trying to deal with that standard.

It's counterproductive to your career and to your money. You're not allowed to lie for them, but you're also not allowed to blow off their legitimate interests in the development and reporting of an appraisal assignment.
Well, clever appraisers don't have to lie. They make a total mess of things in a multi-sheet Excel spreadsheet and somehow generate a desired number for the client. It can get complicated. There is a definite science to it!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I should write an article on it. It's all about linkages.
I would say that your fees are a completely separate issue except that if/when your users decide you're not helping them with their decision making then you won't be getting any more assignments - or the fees that go with those assignments.

No backbone appraiser. Money makes his decisions.
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Bert, I daresay you've got a lot of leakage going on here.

The only parties who are stopping you from doing what you want to do are your potential clients. I am not causing any of your difficulties in the market. I don't care what you do with the methodology except to the extent that I assume it may someday gain more popularity among the users of appraisal services.
just your good old fashion banker boys...better not come in low, TAF, i mean relman will get you:ROFLMAO:
I come in lower-than-expected in probably 25% of all of my assignments. I also sometimes come in higher than expected, although not as often. I've always got work, enough so that I talk my way out of some assignments or otherwise refer them to SFR appraisers because they're just as capable of doing those assignments and they need the work.
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higher or lower then what...and they aint 1004's...i cant stop laughing
higher or lower then what...and they aint 1004's...i cant stop laughing
As I stated, higher or lower than expected. By various parties including the borrower or the brokers or the lenders.

And no, I don't do 1004s for the conventional pipelines. I have no interest or reason to compete in a grossly oversupplied market when I have access to other types of clients and other types of assignments that they can't do. I do not want to take work away from those appraisers; they've got enough problems. If I do an SFR appraisal it's most commonly by referral from an SFR appraiser, or as additional collateral for a multi-property assignment involving other types of properties.
Bert, I daresay you've got a lot of leakage going on here.

The only parties who are stopping you from doing what you want to do are your potential clients. I am not causing any of your difficulties in the market. I don't care what you do with the methodology except to the extent that I assume it may someday gain more popularity among the users of appraisal services.

Do you really "know what I want to do?" In any case, most potential clients I don't know anything about - it is too large of a market. I don't need a large market. I can work with only one client. It is a question of finding the right clients - when the time comes - and that is not now.
I hope your ship comes in someday.
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