Well, when the only thing on the menu is old and stale frozen pancakes.....
In her defense, she comes across as genuine. With that, like most bureaucracies change is at best slow and when it does happen it's usually forced from the top. Other than the recent diversity initiatives nothing will change, and to my point even that wasn't moving forward until forced on TAF from the top via the highest office in the land. Don't believe me? Bunton was in for a generation and that needle didn't move until the big stick came out, and we're still at a point where it's debatable if the needle moved for anyone in the trenches. It doesn't matter who holds the stick next year, Ms. Davids will do what she must to keep the politicians happy. In the end, nearly all of the trustees, board members, etc. are there to build their resume's and make contacts, not to rock the boat and affect change.